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⚠️drug use⚠️

Finn's POV
"C'mon, Finn. You became so boring after you started dating that dumb bitch," my 'friend' Josh sighed, holding the plastic back filled with illegal cocaine. I used to smoke pot, get high and drink all of the time, but when me and Y/n started dating, it changed. I stopped for her, since she got so upset when I did it. She was so hurt and angry whenever I came home wasted, and it hurt to see the next morning when she couldn't even look at me.
"I can't, and don't call her that! I gotta go," I muttered, turning towards the doors back inside the club. We were around the back, next to the fire exit, behind a dumpster. Holy shit it stank, giving me another reason to want to leave.
"Finn stop being a pussy. Live a little!" Malcolm said, agreeing with Josh. "You shouldn't have to stop having fun just because your lame girlfriend told you to." I couldn't be arsed to argue anymore, so I nodded. I wish I didn't.

Y/n's POV
I've been texting Finn for about twenty minutes now. He left around five to go to his mate's house, he promised he'd be home by nine. It's nearly eleven. He said he was going over to Josh's Dad's club, which made me slightly uncomfortable, since I know what he used to do with him. I shudder, as the thought of him doing all that stuff. I know he won't do that now... I hope. I'll give it another ten minutes, and if he doesn't reply I'm going over there. Reply to me you fucking prick.

Finn's POV
Yay partay.... ooooh partay has the word part in it! PART YOUR LEGS BITCHES.
"Josh! Josh! One time me and Y/n had sex then she kept mooing!" I giggled. I don't understand a word I'm saying but this is amazing.
"Finn, what the fuck stop humping the drain pipe!" I heard someone say. Oops, I was in fact humping a drain pipe. Mwah ahah mehhhhhhh jeheheh.
"This drain pipe is so smexy!" I chanted over and over. I felt hands on me, pulling me away from my beloved drain pipe. Ahhhh...
"Oooh are we gonna have sex?" I asked, excitedly.
"No, we're going home you idiot," I heard a voice say. Oooh is that Y/n???

Y/n's POV
I dragged Finn out of the club. I can't believe this. He was obviously high. HUMPING A FUCKING DRAIN PIPE?! HE DOESN'T EVEN HUMP ME! (I cringed so fucking hard oml but this is me as a girlfriend).
" 'Ello there mate!" He grinned, as I sat him down in my Tesla.
"Shut up, shithead," I muttered, under my breath, leaning over him to plug in his seat belt. I made my way over to my side of the car and sat down. I turned off the radio, and began to drive. Finn was silent for a good few minutes, while I looked out of the window, to see all the lights in Vancouver. I can't believe him. How could he? He knows I hate it when he does it. Doing drugs is equivalent to slowly killing yourself. Ugh.
"DONALD DUCK!" Screamed Finn, scaring the flying spaghettoes out of me. I swerved around a car, and screamed,
"What the fuck?!"
Finn just giggled. Oh my God.

Next morning... (Finnie's boutta get his ass whooped).

Finn's POV.
I slowly opened my eyes, to see I was lying on the couch. My face had its feeling back. Oh my God, I got high last night. Shit shit shit.
I got up, and walked into the kitchen and poured myself some water, and went upstairs. I knocked me and Y/n's bedroom door, to hear just a grumble. I creamed open the door, to see a pissed off Y/n.
"Fuck off!" She screamed, throwing a pillow at me. I dodged it, and walked towards our bed.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n. I know there's no excuse for it... I just didn't wanna get left behind by my friends!" I sighed.
"If they were your friends they wouldn't force you to do that now would they?" Y/n mumbled, glaring at me.
"I'm so sorry..." I sighed, rubbing my head. "Please don't hate me..."
"I could never hate you, no matter how many times you get high, Finn," Y/n said, avoiding eye contact with me. I nodded and whispered,
"I love you..."
"I love you too... but if you ever, and I mean EVER do that again, we're done, okay?" She said, firmly, I nodded and jumped on top of her kissing her.
"Yes!" I smiled.
"I promise."

I wish I kept that promise...
Part 2?

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