Dating finn would include...

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This is one from a guy's point of view, and this is my first time doing one like this because all my others are girls and I thought it was time to switch it up a little... tell me if it's okay?

Cuddles- Finn would always be the big spoon, and he would kiss your temple constantly through the night.

Kisses- You steal them whenever you can, you're mad over him, you can't keep your hands off him- or should I say your lips?

Arguments- Finn and Y/n arguing? That's unheard of. Finn constantly agrees with you, even when he disagrees in his head. You're trying to teach him to share his feelings, but he's too scared to make you mad, the poor baby.

Baby Boy
Daddy (jokingly okokok)
Penonce boi
Ma King
Mother Trucker

Curly fries
Finnie boi
Skinny penonce
Noodles head (sorry wyatt you've been replaced)

Make outs- just cuteness and cuteness and even more cuteness. Oh and did I not say? Cuteness.

Break ups- man, you're lucky. Finn would never do ANYTHING to annoy you, so the chances of a break up are extremely low. But if you did, it would be over who spent all the remaining V-Bucks.

I'm so sorry this is so bad i tried so fucking hard I'm just rly worried and anxious right now lmao I'm fine tho I think I just ate too much bye bye xx

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