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⚠️Mentions of drug use!⚠️

Y/n's POV
As I just quickly check how I look, I can't help but be disgusted by what I see in the reflection of the mirror. A liar, slut, bitch, whore, cheat. Cheat.




I'm nothing but a lying cheat.

My phone lights up, and a text from my amazing boyfriend showed up in my notifications. He's too good for me. I don't deserve him. He doesn't deserve what I did.

The Frog- Hey baby gurllllll! I'm on my way over, I'll be there in 5 xxx
The Princess- Kk I'll wait outside for u x

I make my way outside, slipping on my vans, before.
I hear a car horn, which startled the living shit out of me, and jogged over to Finn's white McLaren, and opened the door and sat down on the leather seat.
"Hey babe," Finn smiled, kissing my cheek. He waited for me to do up my seat belt, and shut the door.
"Hey," I say, faking a smile. I feel like faking smiles is all I do these days.
"You good?" Finn asked, being able to tell right away that I'm not in the greatest of moods.
"Yep," I sighed, leaning on the window, and staring out at the shops on the sidewalk.
"Whenever you say something like 'yep' or 'nope' or 'mmhmm' I know you're lying. Tell me," Finn said, staring at me, once we had gotten to a red light,
"Nothings wrong," I lied, picking at the button on my white ripped jeans. I could feel his eyes on me, which was making my anxiety levels go beyond the ceiling,
"Tell me," I could tell he was loosing his patience, because his voice was changing ever-so-slightly. Honestly, I don't want to see an angry Finn, because an angry Finn is a scary Finn.
"It's nothing!" I replied, raising my voice, knowing I'd have to tell him my dirty secret sooner or later.
"Y/n Y/l/n, I would like you to tell me what the fuck is up with you, why you never answer my calls, why you're always with Jaeden these days, why you never have time for me, WHY YOU'RE FUCKING LYING TO ME!" Finn yelled, screaming into my ear, shaking my shoulders. I could feel tears burning in my eyes. I have to tell him, he's going to hurt me, or even worse, himself.
"F-Finn..." I choked out, my nerves were killing me. I just wanted the world to swallow me...
"WHAT?!" He screamed, swerving, around some other cars,
"S-slow down," I mumbled, thinking that any moment a car could pull out and kill us both.
"Fine," Finn muttered, pulling into an empty parking lot. "Now tell me." I took a deep breath and nodded.
"Well..." I started, but I couldn't get the words out. Instead I just bursted into tears.
"You did didn't you..." whispered Finn. I slowly nodded, knowing that what he was thinking was correct. I cried harder, as Finn got out of the car, slamming the door behind him. He took a few steps away from the car, and lit a cigarette. His anger issues were getting bad. I could hear him mumbling and muttering, I could only make out the words: 'slut', 'bitch', 'liar', 'cow', 'whore'. Then he screamed, "I hate you!" I couldn't take it anymore, I got out of the car, not bothering to shut the door, and snatched his cigarette out of his hand, and threw it onto the ground. Finn glared at me, then shrugged, and got a pack of the cancer sticks out of his pocket. I slapped them out of his bony hands. I looked up at him, nervous. All his cigarettes were spilt across the ground, unusable.
"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Finn screamed. He raised his hand, as if he was going to... slap me?! This is a whole new Finn, the Finn I loved would NEVER hurt me.
I got ready for the impact, but it never came. Finn walked backwards a bit, as I whispered,
"You were gonna hit me."
"I'm sorry..." Finn whispered, his voice breaking.
"No, don't be... it's me who should be sorry... I'm the one who slept with Jaed-"I started, but got interrupted by Finn,
"Don't fucking say it," he growled. I nodded. "Why though?"
"I just... I don't know..." I sobbed, wiping my tears away,
"Yes you do, tell me NOW!" He shouted, making people from across the road of the parking lot stare at us,
"I love Jaeden..." I whispered, tears rolling down my cheeks. My hands began to shake, with regret. Why the heck did I just say that?! Of course I feel something for Jaeden, but I love Finn so much more than him!
"Say it..." Finn mumbled, "Say. It."
"What?" I asked, staring at the ground,
"Say that you don't love me anymore," Finn said, I looked up into his eyes, and for the first time, I felt nothing. Numb. Is this what falling out of love feels like? He had red eyes, probably from the weed he had been doing, and one tear on his pale cheek.
"I-I..." I sobbed, unable to get the words out. I did love him. Say it, tell him you do. " I do... I don't... I don't love you anymore Finn... I'm so sorry..." I whispered. Then everything stopped. All the memories of me and Finn came rushing back, how happy we were together, how happy I am when I'm with him. I've just thrown all that away.
"Good, because I stopped loving you the minute I realised that you were no where near good enough for me, you fat pig," Finn murmured, "Fuck you."

I couldn't speak. Finn looked at me once more, then turned around and walked back to his car.
"We're over, slut," he yelled. He drove away, way beyond the speed limit. I dropped to my knees, breaking down in tears. I thought he loved me. Was I fat? Of course I wasn't good enough for him. I'm not good enough for anything or everything.

Man that's so depresso.....
Can I do a part two? I really wanna lol 😁. My keyboard is playing up btw someone explain!


K I need to publish this before my phone dies.

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