Goodbye Wattpad

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Hey everyone.
I'm so sorry to have to do this.
I'm taking a break from wattpad. I don't know when I'll be back, and if I'll even come back. This fandom makes me sick, honestly. I know we're an amazing one, and we all love the stranger things cast, it cast. But sometimes we go too far. And honestly I'm just too mad and confused to continue using this account. So this is goodbye, thank you for everything. Me, Jake and baby Noah all appreciate all of our new friends so much. We wouldn't have gotten back together if it wasn't for my online friends here. This account has taught me so much about myself. But, all good things come to an end. So I probably won't be back, at least for a couple months. But I hope you can all understand. I'm so so sorry to let everyone down. I love you all, and never ever give up. You all have such great futures, and I'll miss everyone so much. I'm so sorry to be leaving, but I have to. Goodbye wattpad. Thanks for everything xx

Thank you so much for everything. There's some specific people I'd like to thank.

You've been the most loyal, kind, and wonderful friend I could ask for. You know me so well, better than anyone I really know in real life, and you're an online friend. I love you so much, and I'll miss you so much.

I know you're no longer active, but I appreciate everything you've done for me. I miss you so much, and I'll miss you even more after I've left. I hope everything gets back on track for you, and I love you! I miss being able to read your amazing books.

You've been a great friend in the few months I've been on this app. I'll miss you so fucking much. Thanks for everything.

You're my favourite writer... like ever. You're so amazing at what you do, and I'm so thankful for being able to read all your stuff.

And thank you, to everyone who read this awful book, which is 90% authors notes, cause we all know ya girl is lazy af. But thank you all. This app has bought me so much happiness, and I'm so heartbroken that it must come to an end. But I have a son, and a boyfriend, a family. We've just moved into an apartment, and I can't just hang on to this app, reading fan fiction about some dude who doesn't even know who the fuck I am. I love you all, and thank you. There's so much for that I wanna say, but I just can't think of what.

Goodbye wattpad, I'll miss you so much. Thanks for everything you've done for me. Thank you to everyone who supported me. I'm so grateful. Xx

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