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Finn- Chlorine by Twenty Øne Piløts
This song reminds you of each other, because the first time you met, in the car on the way to dinner, this came on the radio and you and Finn were the only ones who knew it, and you were both screaming the words.

Mike- 1985 by Bowling For Soup
I mean, it's pretty self explanatory. You and mike met in the summer of 1985, and this song totally takes you back.

Richie- Smells like teen spirit by Nirvana
This song was on in McDonalds when you went for your first 'date' together.

Boris- Nicotine by Panic! At the Disco
It's Boris. Anything with alcohol or drugs in the title will make it his favourite song. Seriously, what were you expecting?

Im so sorry for this lol it's so bad but anyways and btw the song at the top is an underrated bop lmao xxx

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