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Finn's POV
Y/n and I were better than ever. We haven't argued in three weeks! That's a record for us. I think that we're finally on the same page. No more drinking for me, no more smoking for
Y/n, that's how we'll get along better.
" Hey, Finn?" Y/n said from her dressing table, which was on the opposite side to the room that the bed was, which I was lying across,
" Yeah babe?" I sighed, walking over to her, and putting my hands on her shoulders, as she was examining her different eyeshadows, picking which one to put on,
"Which one?" she asked, holding out two different eyeshadow combos. One was a brown, yellowy-white and gold, and the other was black and silver.
" The brown one," I nodded, pointing at the one I liked,
" It's called smoky eye," giggled Y/n.
" Y/n, why do you even wear make-up? You don't need it, you're gorgeous without in on. Yeah, sure, you look good with it on, but you don't need it," I smiled, shaking my head slowly at her,
" Because I'm ugly as fuckkkkkk," laughed     Y/n, expecting me to laugh along, but I remained serious,
" You're not, babe. If you think that, we're going to get your eyes tested," I muttered. She put down all her make-up, stood up, and looked in my eyes, smiling softly,
" God, what did I do to deserve you?"
Then she kissed me. Oh fuck yes she kissed me! I know this wouldn't normally be a big deal for a couple who have already kissed loads, like us, but we haven't kissed in basically a month. We basically stopped kissing, because of how much we were arguing. I was certain she didn't love me anymore. But she does...
" You love me again..." I grinned, looking into her beautiful y/e/c eyes,
" I never stopped..." sad smiled Y/n, leaning in to kiss me again.
(If you know what that's from you can be my nickelodeon buddy lol)...

I'm sorry for my disability to write well... well, hope you enjoyed... if ya did vote... yeah. Bye bye... xxxx

Btw I'm having a rly bad day my bf told me he might be moving back to Maryland... for fucks sake. If ya wanna update on ma pregnancy I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant, and I'm showing loadssss... bye bye xxx

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