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⚠️warning mentions of drug use and suicide⚠️

Circle The Drain.

After Finn and Y/n's breakup over Finn's addicted to cocaine and heroin, Finn is left heart broken. Y/n thought it would give him something to work towards, if he got help then he got Y/n back. But it wasn't at all. Finn was going down FAST, and destroying himself with how much he 'sniffed' and drank.

General POV
It had been three weeks since Y/n Y/l/n and Finn Wolfhard had broken up. Everybody was devastated to hear the awful news, after all, everyone had thought they would be together forever. The whole fandom was mourning the loss of their favourite couple, really y/s/n was everyone's favourite couple. Everyone had always said how happy you both were when you were dating. Until news got out that Finn Wolfhard had recently been doing illegal heroin and cocaine, behind his girlfriend's back. Finn had promised Y/n that he would get help, two months later he was still completely addicted. It left Y/n with no choice but to leave him. She couldn't just watch him destroy himself. But now that Y/n had left him, he felt that he had nothing to live for. So, he didn't care if he was destroying himself. He was already destroyed.

Y/n's POV
"Oih, Y/n/n! Turn the up the volume would ya?" Called Jaeden from the kitchen. "Finn's on the news dipshit!"
I immediately put my phone down, and turned the volume all the way up on the TV as the news reporter said,
"Twenty-one year old actor Finn Wolfhard was hospitalised earlier this morning, after being found in a hotel room in Atlanta, Georgia, due to a suspected drug overdose. The young man has been doing many illegal drugs, such as Cocaine and Heroin in the past few months. He is currently stable and is recovering quickly."
I turned to Jaeden with wide eyes, and yelled,
"Did you know about this?"
"No! Of course not! Quickly, phone Mary and ask what hospital he's in!" Jaeden said, jumping over the island counter tops in the kitchen and grabbing our jackets and sliding on his vanns while beckoning me over. We both got out the front door, as I was waiting for Mary, Finn's mother, to answer the phone.
"Hello?" I heard a voice, which belonged to the one and only Mary Wolfhard.
"Hi! This is Y/n, um... can you tell me what hospital Finn is in? I really want to just... visit I guess...?" I said.
"He's at Piedmont Atlanta Hospital, and if you're going to come, be quick. Visitors are only allowed in until five PM and then they have to leave so the patients can eat," explained Mary.
"Yes, of course. We'll be there around four," I said, doing up my seat belt. Me and Mary said our byes and hung up.
"So, where is he?" Jaeden asked, impatiently,
"Jesus have a little patience!" I said, cheekily,
"Have a little patience? My best friend may be dying in hospital, do you not give a shit?" Yelled jaeden,
"Hey, remember, he's my ex boyfriend too! He's at Piedmont," I sighed.
"My point exactly," Jaeden sighed.

Me and Jaeden rushed into the reception, and straight to the desk.
"Hello, we're here to see Finn Wolfhard," I said quickly, tapping my foot anxiously,
"Relations to the patient?" She asked,
"U-um... girlfriend," I stuttered out. She told us his room, and me and Jaeden ran as fast as our legs could carry us to his room. To our surprise, only Mary, Nick and Eric were there.
"Hey guys-"Jaeden started, but I cut him off by saying,
"How is he?"
"He's... stable. He's unconscious though," said Eric.
"God, I thought I was helping him by leaving him... I thought maybe it would give him something to look forwards to... I thought it would motivate him to... stop," I sighed, a lump growing in my throat.
"We know, hun," Mary smiled, sadly.
"Where is everyone?" I asked, because I expected all his friends to be here, seeing as he's apparently been here since morning.
"Oh... no one wanted to come. They're all too ashamed..." Mary said, her voice cracking.
"I don't fucking blame them," Nick growled in the background. He was sat in a seat, typing furiously, to god knows who.

"We have good news," said a nurse, popping her head around the door of his room. "He's awake."
I gasped, and I was the first one to stand up.
"Y/n should go in first. It would mean the world to him to see her," Mary said, nodding towards me. I nodded, and walked into the room. Finn was sipping a glass of water, sat up in the bed.
"H-Hi," I started, trying my best to smile at the boy. "How you feelin'?"
He looked up at me, and his eyes widened.
"Y-Y-Y/n!" He exclaimed, tearing up.
"Fuck! I was meant to die! Shit! Shit! Shit! Fuck!" He yelled yanking at the wires. I ran over to him and pulled him into my arms, rocking him, and whispering to him,
"No... no... Finn, I'm here... please... breathe..."
"I want to die," he said, emotionless.
"Finn, please. Leaving you was the biggest mistake I ever made. I thought I was helping you!" I mumbled into his dark curly hair.
"I wanna die." He said again, and stopped crying. I could hear his breathing quickening, and I knew what that meant.

He's having an anxiety attack.

I ran out of the room, and shouted,
"He's having an anxiety attack!"
Everyone began piling in, and nurses were telling him to breathe, but he was curled up in a fetus shape, crying and barely breathing, whispering constantly,
"I wanna die."
Until the line went flat, and a terrible beeping noise came from the machine.
Everyone went silent, and the only sound left was the wailing of the machine. It took me a few seconds to realise what had happened, but I never actually properly realised.
"No! No, no, no!" I sobbed, rushing to his side and trying to touch him, but another asshole nurse came and dragged me away.
Everything else was a blur.

'Actor Finn Wolfhard, has passed away due to an overdose on Cocaine. He was lost at twenty-nine minutes past seven in the evening. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family.'

MillieBobbyBrown: Why?
NoahSchnapp: I will miss you so damn much, Finn. You will never know how much you meant to me, and so many over people, RIP. Canada lost an angel this terrible evening.
Y/nL/n: I never told you how much you meant to me. I love you. I love you so much. No words can describe this terrible feeling. I thought I was helping him. I will never forgive myself for doing this to him. I will never forgive him for doing this to himself. But I will never forget this amazing boy. You will always be in my heart Finn Jayden Wolfhard. (Idk his middle name ok?)
IrisApatow: RIP angel.
BrendonUrie: this is some serious and sad shit. I will never forget this amazing kid, you inspired me so much, even though you're like... sixteen years younger than me lol... RIP my favourite sinner.
21pilotslover: #CanadasAngel #FinnWolfhard #NeverForget

Seven weeks later.

Y/n's POV
Dear whoever,
And now it's settled in. Finn Jayden Wolfhard is dead. And his last words were, 'I want to die.' At least he'll be happier. But I wish to god that I never left him. I should've helped him, not just give up on him. This is my fault. And I can't live with myself. I love you all, but I just can't continue knowing the one I love is dead due to me.
     Yours sincerely,
                Y/n Y/l/n

I'm finally free. I'm finally with him.

So, if y'all don't understand, after Finn died, everyone had gotten over it fast. Apart from Y/n. She didn't want to live without him anymore, so she didn't. She took her life. You do crazy things for love. If you ever feel alone, or if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. Writing about this was hard, because I had a serious Cocaine addiction two years ago when I was just fifteen. Ily all sm, never forget that. Xx

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