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You're not innocent

⚠️Trigger warning⚠️

Y/n's POV
I made my way down the teen-filled corridors, at this lame excuse of a school. I'd call it a prison to be quite honest. Just as I began to head over to my locker, I heard a voice I know all too well.
"Hey, boogy face!"
I began to head the opposite direction, deciding that I would get my books later, to avoid having to face him.
"Y/nnnnnn! Don't fucking ignore me," Finn said, in a cheery sarcastic voice.
"Yes, finn?" I sighed, turning on my foot to face the killingly handsome boy.
"Hey... are you okay?" Finn sighed, trying to intimidate me, and being successful,
"Yeah, you look real depressed y/n/n," Jaeden chimed in, smirking,
"That's 'cause she is!" Cackled Finn, sticking his finger in my face.
"Y/n's depressed, Y/n's depressed, Y/n's depressed!" They began to chant, as Finn began stepping closer and closer to me, his face hardening, and the smirk leaving his face, to be replaced with an icy glare. He put his hand up as if to tell them to stop, and leaned towards my ear, as I tried to pull backwards, while he grabbed my shoulders, preventing me from moving.
"Go fucking kill yourself, boogy face," Finn whispered, his cold breath sending goosebumps all over my neck. His grip on my shoulders hardened, as he dug his nails into my shoulders, then he aggressively pushed me, making me stumble backwards a little. I stood there for a few seconds, registering what I had just been told, and I felt a large pang in my chest. I've had so many awful things said to me, like, 'slash your wrists' or 'go anorexic' and shit, but that's the first time I've been told to kill myself.
Who cares if another light goes out anyways?

Finn's POV
(Timeskip to the following day)

"Finn!" I heard, and I turned to see one of the kids from school, who I don't know the name of.
"What?" I asked, impatiently, as I had to meet my friends in our 'spot',
"Y/n Y/l/n killed herself!" He said, grinning, looking incredibly excited.
I felt a wave of guilt wash over me. Nah, he's just kidding right? Y/n's too much of a fucking wimp to do that, right?
"Sure," I said, walking away, trying to shake everything off. She wouldn't actually kill herself would she?
"Finn! Oh, God, finn!" Millie shouted running over to me,
"What's up, Mills?" I asked, showing concern for my best friend,
"Y-Y/n's dead!" Millie yelled, tears soaking her cheeks.
"W-what?" I stuttered out.
"Yeah, she's fucking dead. Find that funny, huh? Of course you do, you're finn wolfhard, well guess what? SOMEONES DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!" I turned, to see Y/n's sister screaming in my face.

3rd person.
Y/n Y/l/n committed suicide, leaving nothing, but a USB stick, with a recording of Y/n singing a song (the one above, I listened to that when I was really struggling with my depression, and it helped so much). She also left a small note, that said no more than three words; 'You're not innocent.'

I know everyone assumes bullying to be physical, but it's also name calling, and teasing. Some people don't consider this as bullying, but trust me, in my opinion this is one of the worst kinds of bullying. Intimidation.

Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm so weak at the moment, I'm honestly so done being pregnant to be honest. It's amazing, and I wouldn't miss it for the world, and it's the best time of my life, but I've been so sick half of the time that I haven't properly been able to enjoy it. But I'm just so freaking ready to meet my baby boy right now. Bye guys xxx

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