Master Eon's Wisdom

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Kaosandra's castle was a far ways from Master Eon's home. Though the two of the group were technically evildoers the wide portal master paid it no mind, but that doesn't mean they weren't on edge. Spyro would watch the two as they tended around Master Eon when he simply walked by. After watching the for a few minutes, Master Eon had a plate of miniature sandwiches on the table and a drink for each of them, Flameslinger seemed to happily eat them as well.

"So, you're all four together. Do you have a plan of what to do next or is that why you cane to me?" Master Eon asked with a smug smile, Spyro sighed.

"Yes that's why we're here, you should've known it already." Spyro said, Master Eon kept his smile as he took a drink of his beverage.

"Well, you can start by introducing me to the rest of your friends." Master Eon said, Cynder stared at him in disbelief for a moment before shaking her head at Spyro.

"This is Cynder, and the other one is Flameslinger." Spyro said, pointing to the each of them. Master Eon eyed them for a moment.

"Flameslinger and Cynder. Undead dragon and fire elf." He said, the two shifted uneasily in their seats.

"Y-Yeah, I was born there cuz Malfore stole my egg." Cynder said, Master Eon nodded and looked at the elf.

"What about you?" He asked, the elf turned his head.

"Parents sold me..." he mumbled, earning sad looks from the others.

"Well, I'm sorry those things happened to the both of you. But I'll be of the best help I can be, did you learn anything from the dreams?" Master Eon asked, though he seemed like he knew.

"A bald wizard guy-" Spyro started before pausing to give Flameslinger a questioning look.

"Kaos." He said, Spyro thanked him.

"Kaos, he's the one who likely went back in time and messed with things." Spyro explained, Master Eon stroked his beard as he went into thinking.

"There are many ways we can go by this. I can create the academy now and your dreams could locate the skylanders or you four could go back in time and fix what Kaos did, possibly stopping him before he changed my mind." Master Eon explained. Go back in time with this odd group? He asked himself, looking at the other three who were talking, well, Stealth Elf and Cynder were trying to get Flameslinger's hood off.

"That sounds like the easiest way, how do we do it?" Spyro asked, Master Eon sighed sadly.

"Well I no longer have my time portal... but I know someone that does." He said, Spyro looked where Eon was looking, dead at the archer of the group.

"Kaosandra has one..." Spyro mumbled, he nodded.

"And your ticket to it is that one right there." He said, Flameslinger seemed to notice they were talking about him since he faced them.

"Thank you Eon, for everything." Spyro said as a smile came on his face as the girls finally ripped his hood off, he held his hands over his tightly shut eyes and whimpered.

"Stay here for the night, set off tomorrow." Master Eon said before he began to yell at the girls to back off, though now attempted to pry Flameslinger's hands from his face.


Stealth Elf:

In reality, the ninja never thought she'd leave the forest, yet here she was with the oddest group possible. She sat on the porch breathlessly as Flameslinger and Spyro sparred. Spyro wasn't very good, Flameslinger was light on his feet and easily dodged his fire ball attacks. She hadn't realized she was smiling until Master Eon said something.

"You like him, don't you?" He asked, she stared at him in disbelief, she only knew the guy for about two weeks now.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, he smiled at her.

"Your alternate timeline version liked him, therefore you like him. I can tell~" He said, she blushed madly and turned her head.

"He's too shy for any romance, plus if we do this right we won't be like this." She said, he nudged her with his elbow.

"Make it last, go on and give him a try." He said, Stealth Elf brought her mask up to her face to hide her blush.

"You're not like you seem." She said, Master Eon chuckled.

"I'm old, not humorless." He said before walking back inside, Spyro panted heavily as he flopped across the porch, Flameslinger standing in victory. He had already beaten Cynder, now Spyro, what about her?

"My turn, let's have some fun Flameslinger." She said as she spun her blades in her hands. Despite only seeing half of his face, he gave her a worried look as if he didn't want to.

"I'll make it quick..." he mumbled, though it was louder than his usual mumbled. She smiled behind her mask as she allowed herself to turn invisible, he didn't once move. She had a clean shot to him, she took it, throwing her blade out only for him to dodge it, spinning around and kicking her side which caused her to fly away from him. She groaned as her eyes widened as three arrows were shot at her, each hitting the edge of her clothing and pinning her to the tree. She was in too much shock at the time to realize she lost that quickly, even when he said he'll make it quick.

"What..? How..?" She said breathlessly as he helped her down from the tree. Once she was on the ground he put his arrows back in the quiver.

"I said I would make it quick..." he mumbled, she only stared at him as Spyro yelled.

"What was that?!" He yelled, completely shocked Flameslinger beat her. Stealth Elf grabbed his wrist and began to pull him into the woods, he followed behind only because she was dragging him. She stopped in the trail and turned to him.

"I... did I hurt you..?" He asked, he held his hand out as if he wanted to touch her yet he didn't.

"No? you didn't hurt me, I was just shocked because you beat me in two moves." She said, he frowned and turned his head.

"Was I supposed to be easier?" He asked, she shook her head.

"Hey, take of your hood and look at me. No one is here but us." She said, Flameslinger lowered his hood as she was met with his covered face.

"Why..?" He asked, his orange eyes staring at her with concern.

"I want you to take the bandages off, please?" She asked, Flameslinger tensed though began to slowly remove them, only unwrapping it from his face. She stared at him, his skin was much darker than his and when well with his messy hair.

"I probably don't look okay..." he said, his ears lowering sadly, his face held a constant look of sadness.

"Not at all, you're absolutely adorable." She said, her hands resting on his cheeks. Her blushed madly as she stared into his eyes. He didn't say a word, though his next move shocked her, he leaned in and pressed his lips to her, she kissed him back before pulling away.

"Now I beat you in one move." He said, though he talked normally to reveal his smoother voice.

"That you did." She said, giggling before he continued to wrap his face back, though kept his hood off as the two walked back.

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