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Out of all the things that needed to be done, getting the group together has been accomplished. Getting through time has been accomplished. Now, all they need is to find Kaos and stop him from changing the past. The four walked, Cynder near the back as they searched around, looking for any sign of where Master Eon would be. Though the longer they walked, the more they couldn't find anything.

"You don't think that we went too far back... right?" Stealth Elf asked, Spyro only gave her a wary look.

"What did you see in the portal before we went through?" Cynder asked him, Spyro flew up and spun around before landing.

"The clearing the house was built on, if Kaos got him before he went to build the academy then the area is clear and should look close to the trees outside Master Eon's house." Spyro explained, Cynder furrowed her eyebrows, what if it was wrong?

"We could be months back, the portal goes really far back." Stealth Elf said with a sigh.

"How far?" Spyro asked, Flameslinger's ears lowered.

"Till the beginning." He answered, they gave each other wary looks. Cynder jumped as she spotted a bright light off in the distance.

"Hey, there's a light over there that looks oddly familiar." Cynder said, pointing in the distance, each looked just before it faded.

"Flameslinger you go ahead, we'll catch up." Spyro said, the elf nodded before he was gone, the dragons flying quickly as Stealth Elf ran ahead of them on the ground underneath. Cynder had a hope it was Kaos that just got here, to be able to stop him before he changes Master Eon's mind and none of them have to live a horrible life. She bursted through the trees, finding Kaos who had his finger pointed out heated with a blue light line pointed at Flameslinger who was completely still.

"Shh, don't want to wake him now." He said, he seemed to know who they are.

"Whatever you're doing, stop it now and this'll end peacefully." Spyro said, though he only lifted his pointed hand, earning the archer to go flying as his hands glowed a dark purple, Cynder felt pain through her body as she was sent back into the forest. Did they underestimate him? She ignored the pain as she flew back towards the fight, Master Eon wasn't moving a muscle as Stealth Elf dodged his attacks, Spyro shooting fire balls from above. Cynder joined him and zapped him with her lightning, he yelled out in pain, throwing his hand out only for it to recline and his body was thrown back, an arrow stabbing through his sleeve connecting him to the tree. Cynder smiled as her archer friend returned.

"Just go away! Why do you even look like that?!" He yelled, seeming frustrated.

"We're from another past to stop you, Kaos." Stealth Elf answered, Kaos scoffed.

"I only intended to change his mind. Maybe if I just killed him instead, do you think something else would happen?" He asked, a large blade hung right over the portal master, dropping until one of them pushed Master Eon out of the way, earning the blade to cut him in half instead of the portal master.

"Flameslinger!" Stealth Elf yelled, causing the portal master to wake.

"What? What happened?" He asked, looking around in confusion as they stared at him. Master Eon furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at them.

"Master Eon, the academy!" Spyro yelled, Master Eon's rye lightened up.

"Yes, that's what I'm doing." He answered, Kaos yelled loudly in frustration, though Stealth Elf was too busy kneeling at Flameslinger's side.

"I'm trying to stop the stupid academy, it doesn't work out great!" Kaos yelled, Spyro stared at him in disbelief as Master Eon seemed to believe him.

"No, it's works out, listen to me! He's from the further trying to stop something great-" Spyro stopped his words instantly as he felt someone push him, he turned his head in time to see Cynder, a large glowing blue spear going through her side as she hit the ground.

"What have you done?!" Master Eon yelled in anger, though Spyro only looked down at her, she smiled up at him.

"Cynder... why..?" He asked, though it was more of a wheeze as he approached her.

"I didn't want to see you get hurt..." she answered, coughing loudly. Spyro turned his head to Stealth Elf, who cried at the archers side, who was somehow still barely breathing as she clutched his hand. He heard a loud clash behind him, Master Eon had thrown Kaos into a portal, a dark portal.

"I would've been okay, you didn't have to do this..." he said, she smiled still, his teary eyes staring down at her.

"I love you... Spyro..." she replied to him, just as her body relaxed and she let out her last breath. Tears escaped his eyes, turning back again to see Stealth Elf behind him, the same happening to Flameslinger.

"Spyro, was it?" A familiar voice asked behind him.

"Yes..." he answered, looking at Master Eon.

"What you've done is something great, you stop Kaos. Can't you tell?" He asked, pointing at him. He looked at his fading hand, then at Cynder who's body was slowly fading. The same with the elves.

"I didn't notice... we did it?" Stealth Elf asked, a smile on her face. At least they got their victory.

"I hope you become a skylander in the future. Thank you." Master Eon said, Spyro wanted to tell him yet he couldn't, he didn't want to ruin the surprise. He sighed as his vision went black as well as his body disappearing into nothing. A smile left on his face. They won.

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