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I glance over at Brooklyn to find her on the ground with security guards around her. I nudge Jack who was next to me. He follows my gaze then nudges Daniel. It's kind of like a domino affect, Daniel looks then nudges Jonah who looks and nudges Corbyn who looks. 

As Daniel sings, Jonah walks over to me. 

"We'll cover, go see what's up," He whispers. I nod and jog off stage. 

I rush over to Antonia. 

"What happened?" I ask. 

"I don't know, I think she got tired of standing so she leaned against that and the next thing I know she's on the floor," She says, taking deep breaths to try and calm her. I kneel down next to Brooklyn.

"Brooklyn," I mumble, shaking her a little. When she doesn't answer, I shake her again. 

"Brooklyn," I whisper,running my thumb down her cheek. Her eyes flutter open.

"Are you okay?" I question. She looks at me confused. I return the look. Her hands go to cover her ears. When she pulls her hands away, her hand is bloody. 

"What's going on?" She asks, loudly. 

"We're going to take you to the hospital," A guard tells her. She looks at him confused, then looks back at me. 

"Zach, what's happening. Why can't I hear anything?" A tear leaves her eyes and slides down her cheek. I look around and grab a notebook and sharpie that was in the corner. I write down, "They're going to take you to the hospital. After the show, me and the boys will check on you, okay?" 

I show her the paper. She reads it before nodding. I pull her into a quick hug before running back on stage. Daniel was setting up for a mash up.

"What happened?" Jack asks me.

"They think she blew her ear drum out," I sigh, running my hand through my hair. I feel tears fill my eyes. Jack pulls me into a hug. I try my hardest not to cry. 

The rest of the boys notice and pile into a group hug. 

"What's wrong, Zach?" A group of fans yell from the crowd. I take a deep breath before grabbing a mic and sigh before telling the crowd what happened. 

"A friend of mine, who was here tonight, had an accident. They think she might have blown her ear drum out." A tear falls down my cheek. 

"But, she'll be fine. What do you say we get this show back on the road?" I ask. Everyone cheers. 

My mind was set on one thing. Brooklyn.


This probably sucks. I'm sorry. 

Deaf // z.d.hWhere stories live. Discover now