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"Hey!" Giana smiles as she steps into my house. Since the hospital, we've become close. Really close. She was in the hospital because her mom was severely injured. Now, Zach is staying at my house and she comes over very often to help. 

"Hey!" I smile, pulling her into a quick hug. Giana starts going on a long rant that I can't hear.  I had to give the hearing aids back, since I didn't have the money to actually get my own pair. 

"I can't read lips that fast," I tell Giana. She apologizes and begins to repeat everything she said but slower this time. Her rant was about some cute boy she saw at the mall, a topic I wasn't really interested in. Giana was always talking abotu a new guy she found who was really cute. 

"Zach is calling for you," She says, stopping her rant short when she hears my boyfriend call my name. I nod and walk up to the guest room where Zach was staying. Giana follows close behind me. 

"What's wrong?" I ask, checking Zach's bandages frantically to make sure he was okay. I can see him laugh, as he takes my hand in his. 

"Nothing is wrong," He signs to me. I audibly sigh in relief. 

"Then why'd you call me?" I ask. I realize how mean that sounds but he doesn't seem to note it and continues to sign his reasoning. 

"I missed you." I stick my bottom lip out at his reasoning since it was honestly the cutest thing ever. He holds his arms out and I walk into them. He pulls me down so that I'm laying on him. 

"You guys are such a cute couple!" Giana smiles. The smile seemed fake but I just brush it off. Maybe she was jealous. I mean, I would be if someone was dating my favorite band member. 

"Thank you," Zach and I say at the same time. 

"I'll be right back I have to go to the bathroom." Giana sets her phone down and gets up. Almost as soon as she leaves, a text pops up on her phone. I try not to look at it, but I end up looking anyways. I was only curious, and it's not like I could tell much from a simple text. 

What do you mean it didn't work? We had this calculated since he started dating that little tramp. 

"What's wrong?" Zach asks, taking my hand in his. I just shake my head, not wanting to tell him about the text. 

"You know you can tell me." I just sigh at his words. I could tell him. But I wasn't even sure what it meant. It could've been nothing.

"Baby, talk to me," Zach says. I finally break, telling him about the text. I struggle to sign some of the words, having to spell them out. But the message still gets to him. 

Zach pauses, trying to think of what to say. 

"It's nothing, Princess. Rest that pretty mind of yours." He places a kiss to my temple as he says this. When Giana gets out of the bathroom, she makes an excuse to leave. 

Weird. She's never so eager to leave. 


hahaha ew this sucks I'm so so so sorry :(

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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