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"Zach!" I yell reaching my hand under the car to touch him. He was too far away. "Baby, you're going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay. You're going to get through this," I yell to him because I'm pretty sure it was really loud. Someone taps on my back and I pull myself up. Jack pulls me into a hug as she cries. I rest my head on his shoulder and cry with him. Soon, paramedics show up and they find a way to flip the car and safely get Zach out. Some helped the boys with their injuries but the majority of people where focused on Zach. 

A woman grabs me by the arms and starts talking to me. I put up the sign for deaf and she sighs as she looks for someone. She calls another lady over and tells her something. That lady then starts speaking to me using sign language. 

"You can't be here," She says, looking at my injury-free body. 

"That's my boyfriend and these are my friends I need to be with them," I tell her as I point to Zach. She sighs and nods not wanting to fight with me. 

I watch as Paramedics load up the ambulances and I follow in Zach's which was crowded with many nurses. One was sitting on top of him and pushing on his chest, trying to get his heart to start again. I try to stay out of their way and stay quiet so I quietly sob in the corner. The lady that knew sign language walks over to me and starts signing again. 

"He's going to be okay," She says. I shake my head. 

"How do you know?"

"I've seen many cases like this. He's going to be okay." I just nod as she tells me this. What was I supposed to say? Doubt her? 

"When we get to the hospital I want you to come with me. I have something for you," She says. I look at her confused but just nod anyway, not wanting to argue with her. 

When we get to the hospital, I do as I'm told. I follow the lady down a hallway and to a room. She has me sit on the hospital bed in there as she looks through a cabinet. She then pulls out two hearing aids. 

"What are you doing?" I ask as she fiddles with the one in my right ear. She then goes to my left and fiddles with it. Then she sits down.

"Can you hear me?" She asks. My eyes widen instantly. I didn't notice it at first, but I could hear the sounds of the hospital. The people talking in the distance. And now I could hear her talking to me. 

"Yes, oh my god," I say looking at her with tears in my eyes. 

"It's only temporarily. I need them back once your boyfriend leaves, but I didn't want you to struggle with not knowing what's going on," she says. I pull her into a hug and thank her a thousand times. 

"Okay, follow me and I'll take you to the boys," she says. So I follow her to a room. Inside was Jack and Daniel. 

"Are you guys okay?" I ask. They both nod. "Can I show you something?" I ask. They nod.

I close my eyes and say, "Say something." 

"Daniel is secretly a giraffe," He says. 

"I know he is," I respond, looking up. Jack widens his eyes. 

"You heard me?" He asks looking at me. I nod. 

"I have these hearing aids in thanks to her. But I have to give them back when Zach leaves," I tell them. Jack jumps out of bed and hugs me. I hug him back as a tear slips down my cheek.

"That's awesome Brooke," Dani says from his bed, not feeling good enough to get up.

"I'm gonna go see the other guys, I'll come back later," I tell them as I finally let go of Jack. He nods and sits back down as I turn around and leave with the lady who gave me the hearing aids. She takes me to Jonah and Corbyn's room next. 

"Brookie!" Corbyn says as he opens his arms from me. I run into his arms and hug him tightly. 

"Oh my god I've missed you so much!" He says into my shoulder very fast. 

"Bro talk slower and too her. She can't hear remember," Jonah says. 

"Yeah about that," I say pulling out of the hug. 

"Wait you heard me?" He asks. 

"Yes," I say, explaining to them the same thing I told Jack and Dani. I spend a few minutes with them before turning the Vicki, the lady that gave me the hearing aids that I finally learned the name of, takes me to Zach's room. I stand outside for a minute, preparing myself for the sight I was about to see.

No girlfriend should have to go through this, seeing their boyfriend like this. 

I take a deep breath and walk into the room. I start crying instantly when I see him. My poor poor baby. 


This kinda sucks... whoops. 

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