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"And this, is my bedroom," I tell the 5 boys as I throw the door open. They all look a Zach. 

"This is where you'll be spending most of your time," Corbyn says to him, while nudging his shoulder. Zach rolls his eyes at Corbyn as his cheeks redden. 

"What's that?" Daniel asks, pointing to the light monitor on the wall.

"That, is how I know someone is at the door. When the doorbell rings, it lights up," I tell them. Zach smiles and runs downstairs. The next thing, I know, the light starts flashing. I slap myself in the forehead, realizing how childish Zach could be at times. 

He comes back up and looks at the lights as they continue to flash twice more. He smiles at it like a little kid. I chuckle at his stupidity before falling back on my bed. 

"You should open up the presents," Zach smiles, handing me the 2 boxes and the bag. I nod and grab the big box first. Inside was the Invitation Tour Hoodie. I pull it out and hug it, a huge smile on my face. 

It didn't smell like a factory, like I expected. Actually, it smelled a lot like Zach.

"We didn't have anymore on hand so I gave you mine. I figured you'd like it better anyway," He smiles. I thank him before grabbing the smaller box. 

Inside was a gold necklace with his name on it. I lift up the small gold lettering and smile. Zach pulls something out of his back pocket to show me. It was a little bracelet made of gold with my name on it. 

"Just a little reminder that I'm yours and you're mine," He smiles. He puts the bracelet on and then helps me put the necklace on.

I open the bag last. Inside was a glass case. Inside the case was a rose. It looked like the one from Beauty and the Beast, my favorite movie. I get up and place it on my desk before wrapping my arms around Zach. 

"Thank you," I tell him. 


"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Zach says as the guys honk the horn for him to hurry up. I nod and pull him into one last hug. He places a kiss to my forehead before pulling away and running towards the car. I shut the door and lean against it for a while. Than I go up to my room with a huge smile on my face.  

Not even a minute after I sit on my bed, the light flashes, signalling the doorbell ringing. I get up and walk downstairs. I open the door to see Corbyn standing there. I go to say something but them see a big blood stain on the middle of his shirt. My smile is instantly replaced with a look of fear. 

"What happened?" I ask, looking at him. He talks so fast I can only catch a few words. Accident, Zach, blood everywhere, 911. 

I look up the street to see their car as well as another. I could make out Daniel, Jack, and Jonah. But I couldn't find Zach anywhere. 

I feel my heart drop as I slide on slippers and run towards it. Corbyn runs after me. I reach the cars and Jack looks at me, tears running down his face. 

"ZACH?!" I call out, looking around the small crowd of people.  Corbyn points to the car and I get down on my knees, looking under it.

There he was. Bleeding, almost unconscious, and sitting in the passenger seat of the flipped car.  


Hello. Hi. I'm back from the dead. Um... there's an update for you. Kinda crappy. Sorry :(

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