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You froze, your legs wouldn't move. You couldn't believe what had just happened.
You were leaving a poke center and suddenly some punks appeared out of nowhere, pushed you down and stole your bag, where you had all your pokemon. You wanted to run after them but your body wasnt moving, one of them must have had a pokemon with a paralyzer move.

After ten minutes you felt you could move your toes, and suddenly you started running. You werent angry at them, you were scared of what could happen to your pokemon. After you arrived to some sort of town it started raining. You didnt care, you continued walking until you saw more people dressed like the ones who had attacked you. 'Is this mafia town?', you used the cars and bushes to hide yourself from them until you reached a mansion, 'This is the mafia house', you entered and saw that the mansion that was before elegant and clean was now a punk rock house full of colorful graffiti. Also the furniture was all around the place.

You see a girl walking towards you, she hadnt seen you since you were hiding behind a sofa. You had an idea. You took a piece of wood from the floor and hit the girl on the head. She fell down, you grabbed her and took her to a room that was empty inside. You switched your clothes with hers and left her on a bed. You felt bad for the girl but you really needed to get your pokemon back.

You got out from the room and went to search for the two individuals.
Suddenly you see them, carrying your bag, walking up the main stairs from the house. You went after them, trying to keep yourself relaxed. They crossed a window to enter back through another. This was because of a huge lamp that had fallen from the ceiling and was now in the middle of the stairs. You followed them quietly until they reached a room. Unluckily they closed the door so you couldn't see or hear anything 'Damnit'. You approached the door and were about to put your ear on it but suddenly someone opens it and you are discovered.

Inside the room were a white haired man sitting on what it looked like as a throne and the thieves, one of them was the one who had opened the door to leave.

Thief 1 : Oi what were you doing there ?!

The man sitting on the throne looked at you with his head tilted. You figured he was the boss.

Boss : What is happening?

You looked at them, your face flustered since you really didnt know what to do or what to say. They all were speaking in this really cringy way.

Y/n : Y-yo! I uhm was... was wondering if the boss wanted something.

He lifted an eyebrow.

Boss : Come inside like a normal person then! And close the door!

You came in and did as he said. The two other punks got closer to you, they didnt really recognize who you were.

Punk 1 : Are you new? I dont really recognize your face, whats your name?

Punk 2 : Yeah who the hell are you?

You froze and started shaking.

Y/n : M-my name is... uh...

Suddenly the boss stood up and approached you to took off the hat and mask you were wearing.

Punk 2 : Oi who this?!

Punk 1 : Wait bro...! Shes the chick  we just stole her pokemon from!

You looked down at your feet, the boss had his eyes fixed on you. He turned back and ordered the other to leave the room.

Boss : Take the pokemon to you know where.

Y/n : No! Please!

You went running towards the punks but some arm came around your waist and you couldnt move. You looked up to see the boss staring down at you with a serious face.

Y/n : Please don't hurt them!

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