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Everyone at the kitchen was talking about what happened to Guzma. Some said he was depressed, others that his girlfriend left him...
But suddenly the man appears in the kitchen, everyone stops talking and stare at him. You try not to but you do too and it broke your heart, he looked awful his eye bags were bigger than usual, his eyes were a bit reddish and his hair was all messy.
He was making himself some tapu cocoa and suddenly both your eyes meet but he looks away. Something in you was hurting, you felt awful. You wanted to stand up and go give him the biggest hug. But you couldnt, if any sort of feelings for him showed up it would be the death of you. You had to hold back your feelings.

~Time skip~

A week had passed and nothing had changed. You havent seen Guzma since that time in the kitchen. Only Plumeria was allowed in his room. The grunts were worried and wanted to know what was happening but she wouldn't say anything.

You had a tough time trying not to think about him, about his soft messy hair, his touch, his tender lips...
You wanted to see him again, you needed to. You didnt know what to think anymore. Plumeria had assured you that Guzma wasnt a bad man before. There was a battle between your subconscious and your feelings inside your head.

The next day, you were hanging with Alex and Luke in the sofa when suddenly you hear a loud noise coming from upstairs. You and all the grunts around you freeze and look at the stairs, hearing some loud footsteps approaching : Guzma.

He looked different, his hair was messier than usual and he looked...more aggressive than ever. He approached the sofa you were sitting on and you feel your body tense. You noticed he wasnt looking at you, he was looking at Luke. He grabbed him by the collar and violently threw him on the floor. Luke gasped, "Yo Luke didnt i tell you about an hour ago to bring me some tequila?!" , Luke was terrified "O-oh y-yeah im so sorry i forgot...", "YOU FORGOT?! WHY ARE YOU HERE IF YOU CANT EVEN BRING ME SOME ALCOHOL?! YOU USELESS BRAT. NEXT TIME I'LL KILL YOU."

With that, he left the house making a loud noise when he closed the door. The grunts looked at each other, as if they had just seen a monster. Alex and you went to help Luke, "Are ya good?!", alex asked, "Ya, my back hurts though!" you helped him up and Alex volunteered to take him to the nurse.

When she came back, it was almost dinner time so you headed to the kitchen. People were talking about what happened. Guzma was obviously drunk but no one has ever  seen him like that.
While eating and talking to other people, you discovered that some grunts were planning to leave team skull, you sighed 'if only i could do that'. Suddenly the doors busted open and Guzma appeared still with his pissed look. Everyone went silent and he turned his head, " DID SOMETHING HAPPENED HUH?! DONT STARE AT ME, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!", people immediately looked away and slowly started talking again.
"Whats wrong with him?!" you said, "To be honest, im seriously considering leaving the team too. What about ya y/n?", Alex asked, "I can't. He still has my pokemon". You were staring at him the whole time, 'What the hell happened?!'.

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