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He made you fall on the floor, you quickly turned around to look at him, to see him sitting on his chair. He crossed his legs and stared at you.

Boss : What am I gonna do with you?

Y/n : Give me back my pokemon!

He giggled, laughed and then started shouting.


Y/n : What?! Are you the yakuza or something?!

He was laughing even more now and violently got up from the chair, he approached you and you started to walk back until you hit a wall. He was right in front of you now and threw a punch to the wall, next to your face. You were terrified of this man at this point, you couldn't tell what he was going to do next.

Boss : Look girly, either you walk out of here or you become a member of my team. You choose.

Something in you snapped and made you slap his face hard. He looked at you, shocked and angry because of what youve just done. He grabbed you by the collar and threw you on the floor. He sat on you and took one of the empty alcohol bottles there were on the floor, broke it and pointed at your neck.

Boss : Look doll, i could just destroy you right now for what you did, but im gonna give you an opportunity to retract your actions. Join the team.

You were absolutely terrified, you nodded quickly. He got up and threw the bottle somewhere in the room.

Boss : The name is Guzma, but you have to call me boss alright?

Y/n : Y-yes boss.

Guzma : Whats your name?

Y/n : Y/n.

Righ now you wanted to cry but didnt want to do it in front of him.

Guzma : Now leave doll, Plumeria will tell you your first mission tomorrow.

Y/n : Alright boss.

You turned around and left the room. 'Who the hell is Plumeria and what am i gonna do now'. Down stairs you saw some grunts sleeping on the floor, 'where should i go? do i have to sleep on the floor?!' you remembered that Guzma had an enormous king size bed 'tsk' you already figured why it was that big.

You walked across some rooms which were full of grunts sleeping on beds. You decided to just join them in one. There were loud snores all over the room but right now you just wanted to lay down and cry in silence.

You found a bed with just a guy on and decided to sleep there. Tears started running down your face but suddenly you feel the guys leg on top of you and his loud snore near your ear,' great, i cant even cry'. Some minutes passed and you fell asleep.

~Next morning~

You woke up because of the sunlight that was coming through the window and because your bedmate was shaking you violently, "Yo girly wake up!", you opened your eyes and saw the guy you had been sleeping with : he had blue eyes and short blue hair, "My name is Luke, you are new?" you sat on the bed and adjusted your eyesight, "Yeah, im Y/n i came here yesterday", "Great to meet ya yo! Lets go quickly to have breakie!" He got up and ran out of the room. You noticed there wasnt anyone else there. You followed Luke to the kitchen and saw lots of the grunts eating really fast. "Luke what happens?" you asked him, "We gotta take some food before we run out of it! Here!" , he threw you an apple as he was filling his bowl with cereal, "Crap! Theres no milk left!". You started to look for something to eat too but found nothing, you ended up with just an apple.

You sat with Luke who was talking to a pink haired girl, "Yo sup Y/n my name is Alexandra but you can call me Alex" , you smiled "Nice to meet you!" , it felt good to meet some people there so you didnt feel that alone.

You finished your apple and asked them if they knew where this Plumeria was. They said she usually was in Guzmas room in the mornings. You thanked them and went up to speak with her. When you reached the room you waited outside. Suddenly the door opens but instead of Plumeria you see him.

Guzma : Mornin' doll, you coming with me today.

'Great' you thought sarcastically.

Y/n : Where to?

Guzma : Aether Paradise.

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