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When you found a bed you could sleep on, images about Guzma being on top of you started appearing in your head, 'Damnit not now brain pleaseeeee' you tried to sleep but you kept wondering what could have happened if you hadnt said anything. Eventually you fell asleep.

~Next morning~

After eating just another apple for breakfast you searched for Plumeria. Alex told you her room was down stairs next to the living room.
You walked there and knocked on the door. When you open it you see Plumeria working on a desk, 'wow she actually manages stuff, not like Guzma'. "So, whats the mission?", she stood up and smiled, "Your mission is to figure out why Guzma is treating you this way", "W-What?! But...!" ,"Its an order. Im really curious and you also have a great chance tonight since we are having a party." she giggled, "What am i supposed to do?!" Plumeria smirked , "Get him drunk", you froze, how on earth were you going to do that?

~Time skip~ Midnight

You actually had eaten a lot for lunch today since you really didnt have anything to do for the day. You just had to wait for the food to arrive at the kitchen. After it you felt a bit sleepy so you took a long nap. When you woke up you heard some loud noises and music coming from the corridor.

You left your room and saw some grunts who had passed out laying on the floor, others were dancing to some loud hip hop music. There were alcohol bottles everywhere and you werent gonna lie : you loved being drunk, so you picked some tequila which wasnt opened and drank a bit 'If im gonna have to get Guzma drunk i better not be shy'. You walked up stairs and drank some more tequila. You felt your body getting hotter and your throat begging for water, 'these people dont mix up their drinks? im gonna throw up if i cant find some fanta!'. You ignored your thoughts and kept drinking (A/N : by the way reader-chan you are 19 in this story. I imagine Guzma to be like 28 idk so lets make it legal xO)

You finished your bottle when you reached Guzmas door. You werent drunk yet but you were feeling really happy about wanting to know Guzmas secret. You knocked on his door and opened it slowly to see what was going inside : Guzma laying on his bed drinking bottles of vodka.
"Who is it?", by the sound of his voice you could tell he was already too drunk, "Omg boss stop!" you ran and took the bottle off of his hand. "Hey! Give me that!" you could tell he wasnt even feeling his own body up to this point so you grabbed his hand and make him sit on the sofa.

You locked the room so no one would enter and proceeded to interrogate him. You sat next to him, he looked at you trying to held his head up but ending up falling on your shoulder which made you panic a little, "Boss? You Ok? want me to bring you some water?", "no its fine just let me stay like this, your shoulder is so comfortable", "O-ok t-then i wanted to ask you someth-", "who was first the egg or the chicken?", "What?", "who has more power, the person in power or the people who gave him the power? would you rather be an idiot in a world full of geniuses or a genius in a world full of idiots?" , "Im-" , "SSsshh" he lifted his head a little and put a finger on your mouth, with his other hand he took a gin bottle that was on the floor and suggested you to drink it, "girly im not answering any questions unless you are drunk too", you gulped and nodded.

He softly put the bottle in your mouth and you felt the cold liquid running down your throat and also your mouth. He put the bottle back when he saw the drops running down your neck and licked them slowly. You shivered at this, he winked at you and put the bottle back in your mouth.

You coughed a little when you finished it, feeling your body already warm. You looked at Guzma who was blushing while looking at you. You were blushing too but not because of him but for the alcohol.

You felt his arm going around your waist and he pulled you closer until your head was on his chest and he rested his head on yours "Now we are even doll".

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