The Bored Demigods

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Leo: New question??

Jason: Nope. Sorry.

Leo: Ughh I'm BOOOORED

Percy: Dude! We've answered two different questions today!

Annabeth: Yeah, we've gotten two questions down in one morning. Why are you bored?

Leo: 'Cause we don't have any questions now

Piper: Yeah, I'm with Leo on this one. Its fun to answer questions.

Annabeth: Yeah. And destroying our coffee table too, huh Piper?

Piper: I'm sooo sorry! Don't blame me for getting aggravated!

Percy: Right. We've already gone through five coffee tables in the two days we've had this story.

Piper: *cough* Puh-lease. It was only four and a half.

Leo: Do we need a new coffee table now?

Piper: Um, yeah.

Leo: If we need a new coffee table all together, you've destroyed a tfull one. That's five.

Piper: What! But it was just half!

Frank: You can't use half of a coffee table. Its just too small.

Piper: Humph.

Leo: Don't worry, I've got it all covered. I'm installing an electric motion senser here that shoots paintballs every time Celestial Bronze or Imperial Gold is within three inched.

Percy: WHY

Leo: So that Piper will get attacked by paintballs if she ever tries to destroy the coffee table again. I'm sick of reaparing them and making new ones.

Piper: Yeah thanks a lot, Buttface.

Leo: You're mean.

Hazel: Why don't we all play nice? Maybe we should give our reader some ideas for questions?

Annabeth: Sure.

Frank: What kind of ideas?

Percy: Oh! How about we introduce some different people? lets see...

Percy: We've got Coach Hedge, if thats interesting to anyone.

Hazel: Nico and Reyna, if anyones forgotten.

Annabeth: We could invite some kids from camp. Chiron, Clarrise, even Rachel Elizibeth Dare.

Frank: Yeah! And some guys from camp, too, like Dakota or Gwen or Daun the Faun or something.

Hazel: And Tyson, and Mrs. O'Leary, and Ella! I don't know if anyone would want to do Octavian, though....

Jason: We'll make do. Whatever the askers ask, we answer.


Piper: ... right. ask away! We're always open!

Percy: Thanks for reading ;)

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