What Happened to Questions??/Spin the Bottle

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Percy: UGH! No new questions today.

Annabeth: I feel like the question thing is going downhill. People are still reading, but they're not asking any questions.

Frank: We can't make more chapters if we don't have more questions, guys!! Their must be something you want answered!!

Hazel: We're not going to have any fun if we don't have something to do, so honestly, just ask us something!

Jason: More questions, the better! Don't be shy!

Piper: We try to answer all questions in order that they were submitted, so never doubt that you're won't be answered!

Thalia: Just ask us questions! Anything you want, promise!

Percy: Great! But what will be do for this chapter?

Leo: I came prepared! I have a special game I want to show you!

Jason: Oh, no...

Leo: Spin the bottle!

Everyone: WHAT?

Leo: Just for fun! *wink*

Nico: I just... gods, really?

Annabeth: *sigh* Leo, you can't be serious.

Leo: *completly serious*

Annabeth: Fine. But we can only kiss our boyfriends/girlfriends. We don't need to be kissing each other. If it lands on someone other, just kiss them on the cheek or shake their hand or something.

Leo: *puts away camera* well, this ain't gonna be half as fun as I thought it would.

Piper: I'll go first. *spins bottle*

*bottle lands directly on Jason*

Percy: Jason!! You did that on purpose!!

Jason: *blushing* Well, I have been practicing my powers....

Piper: Come here, Jason! :)

Thalia: Eew, don't look, don't look... *sheilds eyes*

Leo: *videotaping it*

Percy: *covering Nico's eyes*

Haze: awwwwww

Jason and Piper: ~kiss <3


Piper: *giggle* so, who's next?

Leo to Frank: I thing that's you, big guy.

Frank: Me? Why me? Who said I was even playing?

Jason: Come on, dude, you can do it.

Frank: Fine.... but I'm shaking hands.... *spins bottle*

*bottle lands on Annabeth*


Frank: Sheesh! We'll just shake hands, alright?

Percy: You'd better. *protecting Annabeth*

*Frank and Annabeth shake hands*

Jason: Okay Nico's next

Nico: Why me? I'm not even playing!

Jason: Well, you might as well be. Go spin the bottle.

Nico: *murderous glare* *spins bottle reluctantly*

*bottle spins* *bottle spins* *jason winks* *bottle spins*

*bottle lands on Percy*

Nico: WHAT THE FUCK *blushing*

Percy: Oh, geez.


Jason: *muffling laughter* sorry - lol

Percy: Dude, we can just shake hands-

Jason: LOL sorry sorry don't kill me (heheh)

Nico: *Attacks Jason*

Leo: *takes picture*

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