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Percy: Okay, Question from CrazyLaughter , asking: To the seven and Nico, what is your OTP?

Hazel: Uh, what is an OTP? You guys always use these weird slang and phrases that I'm not used to.

Frank: It means two characters that you want as a couple. Like, your dream couple in a fandom.

Hazel: ...Oh, I think I get it.

Annabeth: Mine is Percabeth. <3

Percy: Aww, thats so sweet, Annabeth. Anyway, mine is Frazel.

Annabeth: -_-

Percy: OMG frazel is the cutest ship EVER!! I mean, you two were made for each other. And when you had your first kiss? OMG!!! :D

Frank: O-okay.....

Hazel: Uh, Frazel is me and Frank, right?

Percy: *nods*

Hazel: Then my OTP is Frazel. :)

Frank: :) Mine too. <3

Hazel: *kisses Frank on cheek*

Percy: *takes picture* You guys are just.... omg

Frank: Thanks.

Piper: Well, I obviously ship Jasper. But don't worry Annabeth - Percabeth is a close second!

Annabeth: Great...

Jason: Jasper is my OTP too. Or Jiper, whatever.

Leo: OMYGAWD Jasper is too cute! *take picture*

Percy: Well, we know what Leo's OTP is.

Leo: Um, no.

Percy: Huh?

Leo: I ship a very different couple, actually.

Frank: *snort* Like "ThaLeo" or "Leyna"?

Leo: ..... um, no. I ship myself with a girl you guys haven't met. *eyes Percy* Most of you guys haven't met.

Annabeth: Oh really? Whats the girl's name?

Leo: Uh, can we call her Callie for now??

Piper: Um, okay.

Jason: Wow, you make it sound like she's a real person.

Leo: Hey!

Hazel: Can you tell us what the ship name is?

Leo: Fine. I have named it Caleo. Best ship ever.

Percy: We'll see. First, you've got to prove this girl to be real. then we'll decide whats the best ship.

Leo: *sigh*

Jason: ..... hmm......

Jason: Hey, NICO hasn't gone yet!

Nico: What? No!

Hazel: Thats right. You have to answer, Nico.

Nico: I- I'd rather not....

Leo: Oh, come on!!! The asker wanted you to!!! Don't let our fans down!!

Nico: B- but.... *glares at Jason* I, uh...

Percy: Come on, Nico, whats your OTP?

Nico: ......

Nico: ......

Nico: Pe- Perc-.....

Percy: Yeah?

Nico: *turns red* Percabeth! Yeah! I chose Percabeth!

Nico: ....... right. percabeth.

Jason: *snorts*

Annabeth: Thanks for reading!! Vote and comment!! Spread the word!

Alex: Yup! Help us reach 100 votes!! Also, tell us YOUR favorite ships! Whats your OTP? (Mines Frazel and Caleo ;) )

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