Reynico, anyone?

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Jason: *ehem* Okay, this question is from ImJustAMango . The asker also requested to copy her entire comment in the chapter.

Reyna: Oh, no.

Jason: Here it is:

To the seven, and Reyna and Nico, plus any gods who want to butt in: Thoughts on Reynico. We all know its going to happen. Reyna is alone, they are traveling together, and every person with a POV in any of the books has to deal with liking people. (Ps. Just because Nico liked one boy doesn't mean he can't like girls!)

Reyna: Okay, who came up with Reynico? Seriously?

Nico: I'm ready to kill a man.

Hazel: Nico, manners! Anyways, I don't know much about how Reynico would work out, but actually... actually, now that you say it... gods, you two would be cute together!

Nico: Hazel!! *blush*

Frank: Yeah, it was about time Reyna got a boyfriend. I know Nico's a little young next to her, but I mean, age difference doesn't really matter at this point.

Reyna: Frank, honestly!

Frank: *shrug* Sorry.

Percy: Oh, geez, you and Nico would go well together! Yeah! I mean, you both have that quiet side, and that serious side, and that scary side, and then the horrible backstory!

Reyna: Horrible backstory? What?

Percy: Yeah! Reyna, you got attacked by pirates right before your sister left you! And Nico lost his sister Bianca and left to life with dead people!

Nico: o_0

Percy: :) Yeah. Reynico is on. I can tell.

Annabeth: Uh, I'm sorry, but I don't see it. They have very different personalities.

Reyna: Thank you, Annabeth.

Percy: Oh, come on! Reynico is perfect!

Annabeth: Just because two people are singel doesn't mean they're made for each other!

Percy, Hazel and Frank: .....

Percy: well its still cute

Piper: I don't know Reyna or Nico very well anyway, so I'll just say they can date if they want. Its their choice, not the fandom's.

Reyna: Thank you-

Percy: NO! no, no, no! You see, it IS the fandom's choice! If they want to ship two people, they can!

Annabeth: Actually, its not even the fandom's choice. Its all on the author.

Leo: So our love lives depend on Rick Riordan?

Annabeth: Yeah.

Leo: You're okay with that? Really?

Annabeth: Its not like we have a choice.

Leo: You know what I like? Reyleo.

Reyna: WHAT?!?

Leo: .... just kidding.

Hades: I dissaprove!

Nico: Dad?

Hades: Don't trust daughtors of Bellona, son! Never!

Nico: .... but what if i like her

Jason: Whatcha say?

Nico: uh...

Reyna: Me too.

Nico: :)

Piper: What just happened.

Percy: REYNICO happened!

Annabeth: Wow!

Nico: Uh, no, she's more like a, uh, plan B.

Reyna: Plan B for what, may I ask?

Nico: .....

Nico: .....

Percy: While we're on the topic of changing topics, can I ask why the question states that you liked a boy?


Reyna: o_0

Hazel: Well, thanks for reading, yes.

Alex: Yup. Tell us in the comments about your thoughts on Reynico. I don't really ship it, since Nico already has that.... you know, other crush...

Leo: Vote and comment!!!! :)

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