Hermes is Awesome!

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Annabeth: Whats with the title? Is this even question-related?

Hazel: I don't know. Who chose it?

Hermes: HI!

Percy: Oh... hi, Hermes, what are you doing here?

Hermes: I'm here to answer the question, duh.

Frank: Oh, okay. Well, this question is from-

Hermes: NO! I shall read the question, since I am a god!

Frank: B-But, today is MY turn...

Hazel: Don't worry, Frankie, next time.

Frank: :(

Hermes: *ehem* This question is from CalypsotheGoddess, asking-

Leo: *double take* Say What?

Hermes: -asking if I could make a ay for Leo and Calypso to communicate, because...

Percy: Because??

Hermes: Because CALEO

Leo: Woah, woah, time out, Calypso has a Wattpad account? Does she even have Wifi on her island?

Piper: No, dummy! The asker's username is "CalypsotheGoddess". Its not the REAL Calypso!

Leo: .... oh.

Percy: Wait, so the asker wants Hermes to make Leo and Calypso talk to each other? Is that it?

Annabeth: Yes, seaweed Brain.

Percy: ... *small voice* okay.

Leo: You okay, man?

Nico: Percy's just sad that one less girl is crushing on him now.

Hazel: *giggle*

Hermes: Well, lets get back to the point, shall we?

Annabeth: Yes! Now, can you make the connection to Ogygia?

Hermes: I think so... by the way, I'm not allowed to be doing this, so if anyone on Mount Olympus asks, I was never here.

Leo: Deal.

*sparks flying in air*

Jason: This isn't gonna explode, is it? 'Cause it looks like its gonna explode.

Percy: Is this like an electrical Iris-message?

Annabeth: Uh, the sparks are getting bigger... stand back, everyone...

Leo: Awesome! *leans in*

Piper: Leo, don't- *cut off by explosion* Leo!

Leo: *coated with soot* Woah.

Hazel: Ugh, wipe your face, Leo, you don't want Calypso seeing you like this. *scrubs Leo's face with rag*

Annabeth: Look! We got connection!

Frank: Wow.

Hermes: Ha-HA! Hows it going up there, Calypso?

Calypso: *scream* *throws frying pan at demigods* Who are you?

Leo: Percy, Leave.

Percy: Why?

Leo: You'll ruin the moment.

Percy: :'( *sniff* Fine. I get it. I'll just go mope in the corner with Nico.

Nico: !

Calypso: Leo?

Leo: Hey, Calypso.

Calypso: But... how? Are you real?

Leo: Last I checked. But this is more like an electrical iris-message.

Calypso: Wow. Oh, Leo, you have no idea how much I've missed you!

Percy, shouting from off-screen: I'm memorable!

Annabeth: Seaweed Brain...

Calypso: Was that Percy?

Leo: Yup. He's in the corner moping with the ghost king.

Calypso: Wait, what?

Leo: Complecated. Really not worth our time.

Calypso: Gods, I never thought I'd see you again! And your still wearing the clothes I made you!

Leo: *blush* well, I didn't have a reason to take them off, they are self-cleaning.

Percy: I want self-cleaning clothes!

Jason: Shut your shitty mouth already jackson!

Percy: I need a hug right about now.

Nico: No.

Percy: :'(

Leo: *miffed* I'll kill him later. Anyways, I still plan on rescuing you from your island, so stay tight.

Calypso: *sigh* I wish. You know you can't come back here, Leo, its impossible!

Leo: *grinns* Not for me.

Hermes: Wrap it up, kid, Zeus is starting to suspect illigal communication already!

Calypso: Oh, I'll miss you Leo. You were special.

Percy: Am I special? Ow, ow, Annabeth stop hitting me! Ow...

Calypso: *trying to ignore Percy* I love you, Leo.

Leo: Really?

Calypso: *blush* Really.

Leo: *grinns* Then I love you too, Sunshine.

*connection off*

Leo: :')

Frank: You're not sad you won't see her again?

Leo: What do you mean, "won't see her again"? Of course I'll see her again!

Frank: But she just said- ah, forget it.

Leo: Well, I owe a thanks to the asker for making Hermes break the rules for me! Thanks!

Percy: Does Calypso love meeeeee?

Piper: *wacks Percy in the head with a plate*

Nico: *sigh* Thanks for reading everyone, and thanks for the 100 votes! Great!

Annabeth: Tell us YOUR thoughts on Caleo!!

Alex: I SHIP CALEO ;) Thanks for reading! Comment, vote, and follow my profile!

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