Godly Parents

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Piper: By Calypso223: Do you like your godly parents? If you wanted a different one, who would it be??

Percy: Hmm. This is hard. I really like being the son of Posidien, so I think I'll stick to that.

Annabeth: I like being the daughter of Athena, but if I had to chose different, I'd chose Heapheastus or Demeter, probably.

Frank: I always wanted to be the son of Apollo.

Hazel: I'd like to be the daughter of Venus or Minerva, or maybe Bellona! Anything but Pluto, really.

Piper: I guess I'd chose Athena. But it would be weird not having my charmspeak.

Jason: I would want to be the son of Neptune like Percy, or maybe Mars like Frank. I'm not sure. 

Leo: I'm okay with being the son of heapheastus, but it would be really cool if I were the son of Zeus! With all the powers and stuff, and me and Jason would be related!

Jason: Yippie.

Nico: Probably Posidion, I guess. Yeah.

Thalia: Either Athena or Ares. Both are cool.

Reyna: I'm happy with Bellona, thank you very much.

Alex: And I'm happy with being the daughter of Hepheastus! What god is your parent, if you're a demigod? Comment below! Question of the day: Who's your favorite god? Mine's Athena.

Percy: Don't forget to vote and comment! Thanks for reading!

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