Thank-You Cards

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You think I'd forgotten? ;)

So in like i think 2014 (i have no concept of time) Percy turned 18, and i made the chapter of him having his birthday party. And then, at the end of the chapter, i told everyone to comment in a birthday gift for Percy. And what you may or may not have noticed is that i promised that you would all get thank-you cards. Its time i fufilled that promise.

Keep in mind that the thank you cards are only for people who gave gifts. So no complaining. Im also only doing the people who commented on that chappie, since thats where i told them to do it.

Is it too late to give Percy a present? I 100% have no idea. Work with me. Its 12:15 am EXACTALLY so yeah i also suck at typing on my phone so it kinda drains my energy.

Alright, with Percy's help, we have created the promised thank-you cards. See if yours is there! I got down everyone who gave a present ;D

alright here are the cards already:



Thanks for all the ocean movies! We had quite a marathon. I loved Jaws, Deep Blue Sea, The Little Mermaid, etc., etc., ETC. Alex says we may not be able to watch them all. "Every Ocean Movie" is a lot! Thanks for the great movies, any way. :)


Hey, thanks a bunch for the Little Mermaid soundtrack! I'd forgotten how much I loved Disney! And the Flounder Teddy? Nice. Very nice. I sleep with it every night.                          ... UNDER DA SEA ;)

Thanks for the awesome goodies! You rock!!


You got me anything blue, and I recieved a lovely box of random blue items. And i must say... Awesome! I found a blue yo-yo, a blue set of earmuffs, a blue mug, a blue Yankees hat, blue earings (not sure how those got in there...) blue pencils and a trip to 'Blue Ribbon'. Awesome. You are awesome. I am awesome.

Thank you awesome people!!!!:D


You went kind of overboard with this one. All the blue food in the word? Let me tell you, me and my friends must have gained twenty pounds each before sending the rest to charity. Now, it was a very delicious twenty pounds, but twenty pounds all the same.

Awww, what the heck. It was awesome, i just ate it too fast :P thanks über much for it all! It was totally worth the calories :D


Thanks tots for the amazing blue candy! We also had this sucky quality version of 'Finding Nemo', and now we have this shiny new HD 3D SUPER VERSION which rocks. (I made everyone watch it again... Lol) I also got the 'Little Mermaid' in HD/3D AWESOME VERSION too(which i also made them watch) that i really enjoyed. Thanks so much :D

- - -

That was it! Those were the Thank-You Cards! I hope they were satisfactory!

If i missed anyone, or a new present is added and you comment about it here and i find some kindness in my cold, steel heart, i will add to the list.

Percy loves you.

You guys are awesome.

(Just b/c i posted this chappie doesn't mean i'll be back on track on this story btw :( sorry)

Love u all


Of ur b-day is today or soon, post its date and you might get a birthday shout-out from the seven! Just be the first to comment you birthay below.

Pleeze vote & comment & follow pleeze

K thnx




Cookies for everyone

(::)  (::)  (::)  (::)  (::)

K bye now


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