Chapter 4

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Chuck reclined back into his seat next to Sarah, sighing with content at the almost personal design of the cushions of his seat. Sarah met his eyes and smiled at his silliness, everything about him made her smile these days. Since they decided they were going to be a romantic CIA couple, things couldn't have been easier for her. Not only was she paired with a man she absolutely trusted with her life, she got to go home with him at the end of the day as well.

Chuck sighed again.

"Something on your mind, darling?" Sarah asked him, obvious to her that there clearly was. Chuck looked at her sideways and shrugged at first, then gently shook his head before answering.

"Casey opened up his home to a perfect stranger. I mean, am I nuts, here? That's weird, right? And the way he hung onto her every step, insisting he put her in the getaway car, he blind fold her to take her to the Castle, he offering his home as though Castle wasn't good enough. And Sarah," Chuck turned his body to face her, "Sarah, I know I didn't imagine it, but I think he even looked happy that the General let her stay with him."

Sarah placed her hand on his arm.

"What are you saying, Chuck?"

"I think either he likes her... Or he could be part of a plot to assassinate her while we are gone." Chuck dropped his jaw in faux shock, placing both hands on either side of his face. Sarah crossed her arms and gave him a stern look.

"You know Casey wouldn't betray us OR the mission. It's not even funny to joke about that."

"Aha!" cried Chuck. "Then that would leave only one thing: Casey's got a crush!" His girlfriend looked thoughtfully at him for a moment before her eyes widened with realization.

"Oh, Chuck, I think you're right!"

"Really?!" reacted Chuck, shifting excitedly in his seat at the juicy possibility that he was indeed right.

"No," shot down Sarah. Chuck instantly deflated. "Chuck, Casey is all business, all the time. He's doing his job, and if he feels like she would be better off in his home, he has his reasons. You're being ridiculous.

"Now," continued Sarah. "We're almost there, I'll make my contacts in Venezuela and we can set up at the CIA base of operations there." It was Chuck's turn to look surprised.

"Do we have bases everywhere, in every country of the world?" he asked. Sarah smiled at him.

"Almost," she answered him. "We like to know what everyone else is doing in the world, honey. It's how we keep America safe and sound." She leaned over and kissed his cheek, causing his demeanor to change immediately.

He stopped her from leaning away from him with a gentle hand behind her head and brought his lips to hers. God, he loved this woman. He grinned softly when their lips parted ways.

"We have three days before the party, pretty lady. What ever shall we do with our down-time?" he asked her.

"I'm sure after we get settled in our base, collect intelligence from our peers, scout the area of attack and plan out just how we are going to finish our mission, we may have time for some one-on-one time."

"Well well, Mrs. Carmichael, I like the way you think," Chuck said,using their undercover name before smiling and kissing her once more.

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