Chapter 28

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The screen in the conference room lit up as soon as Casey pressed the button in the middle of the table, signaling his readiness for the General.

"Colonel. Thank you for calling me while on your way to Castle. I'm sure the ride couldn't have been an easy one, given the information you gave to me."

Casey cleared his throat several times before answering.

"I haven't had any news on Walker's condition, though after this conference I'm going to make it a point to check up on her," he answered the red-haired woman on the giant screen. General Beckman shook her head.

"Your one and only focus for now is to protect the asset. The head of the revolutionaries by now has heard of the death of the Intersect. We have to assume he feels that all that stands in the way of his obtaining Amelia's blood is finding her and taking her to his underground lab, which, by the way, we have yet to find! Is she with you now?" Beckman asked.

"She's back at my home, with Grimes. I instructed Walker to lock it down, but he was well within earshot and I'm positive he has done the same," Casey's confidence poured from his piercing blue eyes and bore into the General's shocked ones.

"You left her alone with Grimes?? You left the one person that could start a nuclear war with any country on the North and South American continents in the hands of---"

"In the hands of the one person I know wouldn't let me down," Casey interrupted, calmly. "There's nothing that will get to the asset, General, I trust you believe me on this."

The General sighed, knowing that disapproving Colonel Casey's methods wouldn't change them immediately.

"You need to leave here and go straight back to your home, Colonel. You need to be locked down with no communications in or out save for the system we have set up through your television. I have all agents in all branches on high alert. This should be over in a matter of days at the very most."

Casey took a deep breath and centered himself, keeping his emotions in check.

"General, there's nothing more I want to do at the moment then to find that bastard and deal with the problem myself," Casey's voice, controlled as it was, turned into a growl as he spoke. "You give me a team of six agents of my choosing and free reign and I can personally end this within 24 hours. Give me the green light on this."

The General nodded her head sympathetically. Four years she watched this team grow from a shaky foundation into one that was among the strongest she had ever seen in her career. They each cared for one another in ways that went beyond professional courtesy, and she admired each of them for their devotion to one-another.

"I have given you the orders the government feels you would be best serving us with at the time."

Casey snarled as he began to pace in front of the steel table in the room, feeling frustrated at being so cut off from action that he felt he may as well have been castrated.

"On a more personal note, I know your skills both on the field and off, Casey," the General continued. "And I know this mission has been a bit stagnant for you up until the last hour or so. But at the end of it all, there is much to reward you for, you can be certain of that.

"Now, I will notify you as soon as we know Walker's condition. As for Bartowski--"

Casey rose a hand to halt her words. He shook his head and looked away.

"That's not necessary, General. What I need now are my orders to focus on," he said, with a glimmer of hurt in his eyes that General Beckman only thought she saw a handful of times before.

"You have your orders, Colonel. Return home. Rest. And protect the asset at all costs." The red-haired woman sighed and almost reluctantly terminated the briefing.

Casey's fists balled in a quiet rage. He slammed one into the steel surface of the table before him, the loud sound echoed in his ears and was simultaneous with the pain that reverberated through his wrist and upper arm.

He needed to shoot something, and shoot them dead.

Casey stomped his way to the shooting range and pulled out his P229 from the waistband of his pants, hit the button and began shooting almost before the target was adjusted into place.


It was well after two in the morning before Casey entered his home, his arms sore, his palms tingling from the constant kick of his handgun and his head, for the most part, much clearer. He quietly shut the door and noted Morgan snoring with his mouth open on his couch, having fallen asleep sitting up.

Casey shook his head as he looked at the runt. He walked over and gently pushed him over to the side into a more comfortable position before tossing the throw blanket from the back of the sofa over his sleeping form. He was hard on Morgan, constantly criticizing and pushing him harder than Morgan had ever been pushed in his lackadaisical life. But Casey had grown a sort of respect for the kid. And it doesn't hurt to toughen him up so he could protect Casey's daughter from anything that could come their way if Casey isn't there.

"I couldn't sleep," Amelia's soft voice startled Casey into spinning around to face her. "I didn't know how everything would turn out but I'm glad you're home." She spoke as she walked into his arms. Casey felt as though a planet had been lifted from his weary shoulders when their bodies met. He held onto her longer than she'd anticipated but Amelia stood still for him until he began to release her.

They walked silently into his room where Amelia sat on his bed while he undressed.

"Do you want to talk?" she asked. Casey looked at her while he straightened the legs of his jeans out and set them across the chair of his desk.

"Sarah's in critical condition. She had a vest, thank god, but the bullet hit her just above her armpit, sinking into the flesh," he explained in a hushed voice, worry flooding his tone. "They managed to stop the bleeding from the severed artery but we have yet to see if she will regain use of the arm."

"And Chuck?" Amelia asked as Casey sat on the mattress beside her.

Casey couldn't answer. Amelia rose from the bed and she positioned herself between his knees, standing before him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned his head against her chest. The fabric of her tank top felt smooth against his face as he pressed his cheek against her, grateful for her quiet presence.

After a while, Amelia kissed the top of Casey's head. He looked up at her and she bent lower to meet his lips gently.

"I'm tired, John. Do you think you should get some sleep? We can check up on Sarah in the morning," she said to him. Casey nodded and pulled her in for another, deeper kiss, sliding his tongue into her mouth, seeking more comfort than sexual gratification, even if he wouldn't admit it openly.

They laid down beside each other and were quickly situated into a comfortable sleeping position: Amelia with an arm draped across Casey's waist while her head was on his chest, a leg wrapped around his, pulling his between hers. Casey's arm was under her head while his other hand held onto her upper arm. He didn't sleep like this with anyone but it felt as natural as breathing to him.

Casey stared at the darkened ceiling while feeling the deep rhythm of Amelia's breathing against his body. He dreaded the dawn. To have to see Sarah, his partner in the field and the very best agent he knew in the condition she was in really hurt him, a fact that took much for Casey to admit even to himself.

There was one thing he knew for certain. Amelia's entourage was down by two. He was going to do whatever it took to ensure that he, himself wouldn't be taken away from her protection. Amelia moaned in her sleep and snuggled closer against him. Casey held her tight and kissed the top of her head, mimicking her own action not an hour before.

Yeah, he thought to himself before closing his eyes to attempt sleep. Whatever it took.

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