Not Cool Girl. (Blood On The Dance Floor Fanfic INTRO)

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So I guess I gotta introduce myself don't I? 

I am in the 12th grade, I have Black hair, I love the band Blood On The Dance Floor. I also love hello kitty. I live in L.A... My life isn't so great. To my family I am known as Alex. But to all of my school ( and I mean EVERYONE.) I am known as... Not Cool Girl. That's what everybody calls me. Why that name? Well its probably because nobody thinks I'm cool. That or everybody thinks by body temperature is warmer the the average human, but I think it's normal. Either way, I have no friends at all. I listen to Blood On The Dance floor because when I listen to their music I get pumped. It makes me feel like me them are the only ones on the planet. and I'm cool. Other than when I am listening to BOTDF I wonder what it feels like to be cool. To walk into the school and not get dirty looks or even to have friends come up to you and say "Hey" I don't think I will ever know. 

I used to have friends in elementary school. But then high school came along and people met people who were better than me, or warmer than me in a matter of days I had no friends. I would switch schools but then my parents would want to know why and if they found out I had no friends they would treat me like i get treated at school. I hate lying to them all the time, telling them that my friends parents just don't like to let their kids leave the house or have people over. I don't know how I've been lying all this time to them. If I told them the truth they would be so disappointed in me and than they wouldn't love me. They might even put me up for adoption. I hate living a lie. I always dream of having a friend. It would be wonderful. I just hate school I want it to be over. I skip school sometimes and hangout at the mall. I just sit there walking around looking at the other happy adults who have done something with their life and I think. " Wow, I'm never going to be like them. When I get older I am going to be a lonely person." Sometimes I even think that I;m going to be the old person kids prank all the time. 

I dream about one day getting a really good paying job. living in a big house. getting married to a nice man, have a daughter that is not at all like me. one that is cool at school. I dream of one day making a friend. or ever having a best friend. Sometimes I think about switching schools and people would think I am cool there. But I none of that will ever happen. Because I am pretty sure my life in jinxed or something. 

One day I just really want to be popular... I want to be cool. 

{So that was the like story intro, basically it was describing the character and stuff.  Thanks for reading. ( I LOVE BOTDF) Rawr}

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