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HIIIIII this is the first fanfic I've ever written so please don't be to harsh. There will probably be a lot of grammar and spelling problems so sorry about that. This is gonna be all fluff and just pure bughead love. I wanna make sure that my story actually seems like the characters because a lot of fanfics don't and they seem like random people the author has made up. I don't want that to happen so I'm gonna be trying my best to guess what the characters would actually do, say, etc. anywaysss I hope you guys really enjoy this fanfic and I'll make sure to keep you updated if I post any more fanfics. Also most of these will probably be in Betty's POV.

P.S please please please send me comments on this I want to know how I can improve and what you guys want to see!

Bughead-a love story Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum