The party

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Betty's pov

The party had started. By 9 it was packed. It was like everyone from riverdale showed up. I was walking through the crowds into the kitchen and of course I saw jughead there stuffing his face with food. I laughed at the scene. He gave me a joking glare in return. I sat down next to him. "Wow betts you look really good" my cheeks stared to blush. "thanks juggie not so bad yourself" I teased. We talked for a while when everyone was called into the huge living room to play a round of spin the bottle. Veronica being the great friend that she is of course decided on choosing me to spin first. I spun the bottle and it slowly came to a stop. I looked up to see who it landed on and it had landed on jughead. I mean it was fine because he had been my best friend for years and it would just be a friendly kiss. He looked at me and I went over and gave him a kiss. Everyone just looked at us in awe because of how calm we were. I mean yeah I would be to goody two shoes just kissed dohny darko. Then we played again and again and again until everyone had gone. I decided that since it was a party I would have some drinks. I had never had alcohol before and I was a fairly small person so I knew not to drink to much so I poured myself a peach schnapp and drank it all I probably drank about three cups. And I started to feel a little tipsy. My legs felt like they were noodles but it was fun. I liked the feeling and I started giggling. Just then jughead came into the kitchen. I looked at him and realized he was kind of hot. I poured myself another cup and downed it. Then another and another but jughead stopped me. I looked at him and I frowned. "Betts you cannot keep on drinking or else you'll end up on Veronica's couch on a Monday morning with a huge hangover" " oh dear juggie I think I've already passed that point" I said slurring my words. "Hey juggie" " what betty?" "why are you so hot" I drunkenly said. He just chuckled and gave me a hug. As he hugged me I wrapped me arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist and started yelling " I AM A KOALA BEAR AND JUGGIE IS MY TREE" then I forced him to walk around with me hanging off of him. Then he went over to Veronica with me still attached and asked if he could lay me down in her room. She nodded and he took my to her room. He later me down and took my shoes off for me. He started to leave. " JUGGIEEEEEE Where are you going come here and sleep next to me and cuddle me" he reluctantly came over later down in the bed and went to sleep with me.

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