Getting closer

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Betty's pov
The next morning I woke up I was in a great mood. I got ready and went downstairs to eat breakfast. As I finished the doorbell rang. I went over to open it and saw jughead standing there. "Hi!! What are you doing here?" " I just thought I could walk you to school" I nodded excitedly at him and he smiled. As I grabbed my backpack and left the house I grabbed his hand feeling a surge of confidence. The whole time we walked like that. Once we got to school we spotted Veronica and Archie. Huh I guess he got a ride with her or something. Anyway as we walked up the front stairs of the school Veronica's eyes widened at our hands intertwined. Jughead and I looked at each other and blushed. When we got there Veronica didn't bring it up. She pulled me aside. " hey B I shouldn't of done that. I knew that you were heartbroken over Archie but I don't know why came over me" "V it's fine honestly plus I like jughead now" Veronica thanked me and walked over back to jughead and Archie. Since me and jughead had first period together we walked to class together. Once we got there we sat next to each other. Since Veronica and Archie had that class to they sat right behind us. The whole period we kept sharing glances at each other. After that I went to second and third period. My third period was my free period and I had it with jug, Ronnie, Archie, and Kevin. Me and jug sat on a small couch that was meant for one person so I wasn't sitting in his lap but we were closer than normal friends would be. Also his hand was around my shoulder. I could tell that Ronnie and everyone else was confused because we were being so touchy but no one said anything. After that period it was lunch so we went and sat at our normal lunch table. Me, Veronica and Kevin on one side and jughead and Archie on the other. After lunch we went back to outer classes and finished our day. After school jughead walked me home. Archie was there to. It wasn't as awkward as you would think. It was just like when we were younger. When I got home I ran straight upstairs into my room. Me being the typical girl I am I thought about and evaluated everything's that happened that day with jughead. As I was thinking I realized, when did I become so obsessed? While that happened I got a notification on my phone.

Jughead- hey betts! Do you wanna meet up at pops am work on our article?
Betty- yeah sounds good let me get ready and I'll meet you there in 20 min.

It was about a 5 minute walk to pops so I didn't have that much time to get ready. It wasn't to cold outside so I chose some shorts to wear.

As I walked up to the door at pops I could see him sitting at our usual booth from outside. I walked in and the second the bell jingled his eyes shot up to meet mine. He smiled at me and I walked over and sat across from him in the booth. "Hey" he warmly said to me.

"Hey why'd you ask me to come?" I asked smiling.

"Oh nothing I just wanted to see your face"

I blushed at his response. We ordered our food and waited for it to arrive. About five minutes later Archie and Veronica came in. I looked at them and smiled while waving my hand motioning them to come over. I moved and sat down next to jughead so that they could sit next to each other. Our food came and we ate. When we were done we said goodbye to Archie and Veronica and we decided to go to my house. My mom had left on a vacation for a week and left that day so we decided to go to my house.

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