Why me?

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Betty pov.
I was in my room. My crush of who knows how long just told me that he "wasn't good enough for me". What's that even supposed to mean? After all those years I finally told him how I felt and that's what I got in response, he said that he'll always love me but not in that way. I mean I guess that was good enough after all I'm a worthless piece of trash anyway. No one would ever love me. Who would chose to spend time with me.

As I was thinking about all of this I heard a small knock on my window. I looked out to see my best friend since kindergarten, jughead Jones was out there. He smiled at me but as soon as he saw my tear stained face his expression changed to worry. I walked over to my window and opened it. I sat down on my window sill and invited him to do the same thing. He sat down and asked me what was wrong.

"I-it's Archie, he just rejected me"

"Betty it's ok" he reassured me as he pulled me into his chest. We stayed there for awhile I could hear is heartbeat and it relaxed me for some odd reason. After probably a good five minutes like that I looked up at him and thanked him.

"For what? It's what friends do" he replied. I looked over at my window to Archie's rooms and I saw him shirtless just staring at us open mouthed. I tapped jughead to look and we both made a weird expression at each other. We were both wondering what he was doing. Without even think about anything I just closed the blinds. It was weird for me because I had never been so angry at my best friend before.

Me, jughead, and Archie had been best friends since kindergarten we would always run around and play tag or go up to our tree house. We had always been the iconic trio, until about a year ago when we started growing apart. It wasn't really obvious at first but after awhile you could see it happening, I was still good friends with Archie and jughead but Archie and jughead just weren't as close as before. It made it harder to hang out all together because when jughead was coming to something Archie would have to go do something with his jock friends. Jughead had turned into the dark loner that stuck his face in a book or a laptop all day Archie became a jock and I became the perfect girl next door. It was so much better before labels when we could all hang out together without people looking at us like we were insane. It was an odd group of people.

In the past week or so though we all started hanging out again. It was just like old times and it was fun. Then I just had to come and ruin it all by telling Archie how I felt about him. Now it would never be the same again. Also if I didn't mention a new girl named Veronica lodge moved from New York and she had googly eyes for Archie I could tell even though she was the one who pushed me into telling Archie how I felt about him. She seemed nice enough though she helped me get into cheerleading which was really nice of her speaking that we had only known her for a day or two. While I was thinking about all of this jughead snapped me out of my trance.

" Betty are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine just thinking"

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