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"Senior year!" Kalea giggles as she waves her arms in the air. I just laugh. 

"Come on, Gia. Aren't you excited?! We practically own the school. And after this year we won't have to go back to school. Ever!" She smiles. 

"You won't have to go to back to school ever. I have college to get through," I remind her.

"Or, you could stand up for yourself and tell your mom you don't want to go to college." She smiles at me. But I just roll my eyes. 

"Like she'd ever let me even try to stand up for myself," I groan. My mother can be... overbearing at times. No. Scratch that. All the time. 

"No more mom talk, let's gossip. Be a teenager, Gia," Lea whines. I roll my eyes and fall back on my bed. 

"Did you see Lincoln yesterday? He is so hot," I say in my best Valley girl accent. She rolls her eyes. 

"Only you would want to gossip about Lincoln Erickson. Of all people," She laughs. 

"Well, we have like three attractive boys at our school, Owen is hot but he has a girlfriend, Jack is hot but he's an asshole so Lincoln is the only one worth mentioning." I shrug. 

"Hey watch it, your talking to Owen's girlfriend," Kalea laughs. I roll my eyes playfully. Her phone buzzes next to her and by the way her face lights up, I can tell it's Owen. She points a manicured finger at me as she lifts the small device and places it on her ear. 

"Hey," She smiles.Their conversation seems to last years before they finally hang up. 

"Ronda, is that you? Could you get me a cup of soup?" I ask, impersonating a grandmother. Kalea laughs. 

"Very funny. Are you doing anything?"

"No." I could tell that whatever she was going to ask next was going to be a bad idea. 

"Do you want to hang out with Owen and I?" She asks.

"I'm not going to be a third wheeler," I groan.

"You won't be. Owen's going to bring friends. Lincoln will be there." She winks at me. I give in. 

"Fine. But only because I don't want to be here when my mom returns," I sigh getting up and putting on my shoes. 

"You're not going like that, are you?" She asks, looking at my outfit. I look down at the jeans and black t-shirt I was wearing. 

"I was going to but I guess not," I groan, taking off my shoes and sitting on my bed. Kalea looks through my closet before finding an outfit. She throws it at me with a smile on her face. I hold it up in front of me. 

"Are you sure you can even call these clothes?" She laughs and pushes me into the bathroom. I sigh as I lock the door and change. (outfit below)

"Am I a genius or am I a genius?" She laughs

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"Am I a genius or am I a genius?" She laughs. I roll my eyes as I pull on my shoes. 

"What's the point of making them jeans if you're gonna cut out 70% of them?" I question, looking down at my thigh which was exposed. 

"Fashion!" Kalea laughs. I roll my eyes. 

"Where are we going?" I mumble as she drags me downstairs and out of the house. 

"Fair," She smiles. I groan. Of course. The one place everyone goes. Instead of protesting, I just nod and follow her out of the house. 


"There he is!" Kalea squeals, pointing to her boyfriend. I watch my surroundings carefully. The last thing I need right now is to run into Jack. 

Lea grabs my arm and drags me over to him. 

"Hey babe," Owen smiles, kissing her forehead. He awkwardly smiles at me. I return it. Kalea nudges me as she looks around. I give her a confused look. 

"What?" I question, following her eyes. She doesn't have to answer my question. Once the word leaves my mouth, I see him. Jack Avery walking this way with that stupid smirk on his stupid face.


I'm sick and this probably sucks... I'm sorry. I'm tired asl. 

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