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Your Biggest Fan (Darkiplier)

It was late when you finally finished your essay for your English class. You of course had procrastinated writing it until the last minute, and you were not about to get up early the next morning to finish it right before it was due. Your work had been long and hard, and you knew you should probably go to bed, but you had already stayed up this late, and you deserved some time to relax. You were all caught up on Youtube, so you decided to go into the inescapable black hole that is Tumblr.

You scrolled through your feed for a couple minutes, getting caught up on what your friends and favorite accounts had posted. Once you had reached posts you had already seen before, you began typing in the search bar. You didn't even have to finish the word and the site knew exactly what tag you were looking for: Darkiplier.

You were a huge fan of Markiplier, but possibly an even bigger fan of his egos. Dark was your favorite. You had been intrigued by the idea of him even before he was a canon character. You couldn't exactly say why, but you just loved everything about him. He was perfectly evil, yet you couldn't hate him. He was attractive. Well, Mark was attractive, but Dark was even more so. Somehow you liked the makeup on him, and of course the suit looked great. His voice always was so deep and sensual. You knew he was bad, but you liked him anyways. You didn't care how manipulative of a character he was. All of this drew you to him, and you could never get enough Dark content. You were always looking for more. You read comics and fanfictions, followed theory pages and looked at fan art, you watched video were sort of obsessed. You knew it was unhealthy, but you couldn't help yourself. You always wanted more.

You were happy to see some new posts among the familiar ones you had already noticed before. You scrolled and reblogged and read, and your ears begin to ring. It was annoying, but not unusual for you. It would go away in a minute or two.

Except that the ringing didn't go away. It only got louder, stronger, harder to deal with. Soon you couldn't focus on anything except the sound inside your ears. This couldn't be normal. Your roommates weren't home - should you call them? Should you go see a doctor or go to the hospital? It was absolutely unbearable!

But then suddenly, it stopped.

You were hesitant to believe that it was done with. But you waited a minute, and everything remained quiet. You probably should look into what happened and at least try to find out if you needed a doctor for it, but for the time being, your focus went back to your browsing. You found a short one-shot style fan fiction that you began to read.

"Enjoying the story?" a familiar, deep voice spoke.

You nearly fell off your bed in shock.

You turned your head to see what appeared to be Darkiplier standing near your door, his complexion gray, his red and blue auras radiating, his eyes dark. He stood so casually with his hands behind his back and a smirk on his face, clearly entertained by your surprise and amazement. But this couldn't be real, could it? Dark was merely a character created with editing and some makeup.

"I know exactly what you're thinking. And I can assure you that I'm real," he said. In your mind you were screaming, a million questions swirling around your brain. But in reality, you just sat there with your mouth hanging open, completely unsure of how you should feel. This was crazy, and kind of terrifying, but also really cool. But if this actually was Darkiplier, how could you possibly trust him? He could hurt you.

"H-how could you possibly be real?" you asked stupidly.

"You've seen it all, (y/n), you know what happened," he answered. It was strange to hear him saying your name, and it was possibly even stranger that he seemed to know it. But then again, if he had managed to find you and he knew about your interest in him, why wouldn't he know your name?

"I...I thought those were just videos. Sketches...I watched the behind the scenes videos...this doesn't make any sense," you replied, your head spinning.

"Oh, Mark made it seem that way, didn't he? It's not as if he can just let everyone know that someone as dangerous as me is really out there. He wouldn't want to worry his fans like that, now would he?" He brought his hands out from behind his back and you jumped, incredibly on edge.

"Of course, I have my own fans. I don't typically show up to meet and greets, so I thought I'd pay some of you a visit. And I couldn't forget my biggest fan." The way he said those last three words sent a chill down your spine. And then he stepped closer, and your heart started pumping faster. He was walking towards you slowly, almost as if not to startle you, but you still didn't trust him. And then before you knew it he teleported right in front of you, his hand reaching out for you to take it. You jumped again, wondering if you could escape somehow.

"Don't be afraid, (y/n). I'm not here to hurt you. I just wanted to meet you, show you that I'm real."

You didn't take his hand. You just looked at him, conflicted. You liked hearing him speak your name, and he certainly was handsome. But he was manipulative. He was manipulating you right now. You knew it.

"Please, take my hand. I promise I'm not going to hurt you."

Manipulator. But his expression softened, and he was being patient. And how often would you ever get a chance to meet your favorite Youtuber Ego, anyways? You might as well oblige and not make him mad...

You took his hand. You expected it to be freezing cold, but it wasn't so bad. He carefully helped you to your feet.

"How did you find me, exactly?" you questioned Dark.

"I have my ways, but that's not important. I thought you and I could spend some time together and get to know each other a little better. You have always wanted to meet me, haven't you?" he asked.

You guessed you had always thought about meeting him and how it could possibly go, but it always seemed so fictional. That was when you thought he was just a character. Now, you weren't sure if you wanted to be meeting him...he was interesting and seductive and good looking, but he was also a dangerous villain. What should you do? Should you go along with this whole thing and see what happens? Should you try to escape him somehow?

Hello, reader! It's time for you to make a choice: what would you do? You could play along and see what Dark has to offer, or you could try to run away. The choice is yours to make.

If you want to play along, go on to the chapter titled: Play Along.

If you want to try to run away, go on to the chapter titled: Escape.

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