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Your Biggest Fan: Romance

You knew that staying in your room could be a bad idea, but you also kind of liked the idea of having him there with you.

"Let's just stay here."

"Good choice," Dark smiled.

He pulled the lid off of your favorite 3-wick candle and lit it with the lighter that you still had sitting on your desk from its last use. First wine, now candles...what was Dark getting at, exactly?

"Do you like chocolate covered strawberries?" he wondered.

"I love them," you replied.

Somehow Dark made a bowl of them appear right before your eyes, and you could have melted. He grabbed one off of the top and held it out towards your mouth as if he wanted to feed it to you. He was obviously trying to be romantic. You weren't sure why, but you couldn't exactly complain. You took a bite and you were pleasantly surprised at how sweet the strawberry was on its own, let alone with the smooth chocolate.

"How is it?" Dark asked, his eyes staring directly into yours.

"Amazing. Really sweet," you told him.

He put the stem of your eaten strawberry down and fed you another one. You were suddenly very much aware of the fact that he was sitting on your bed, very close to you. This was the kind of thing you usually read about and wrote about, even, and it was happening to you in real life somehow. You had the gross nervous feeling of something dropping in your stomach as Dark continued to charm you.

You had another strawberry, and some juice dripped down your chin as you took a bite. You were quick to wipe it off, but that didn't seem to be good enough for Dark.

"I think you missed some. Let me get that for you."

He leaned in close and you expected him to use his thumb to wipe the rest away, but that wasn't the case. Instead, you felt his soft lips on yours. It was the perfect sensation, and you gladly kissed back, hoping the moment wouldn't end. Unfortunately, he pulled away after a moment, a grin on both of your faces.

"You know, I could take you out sometime. On a real date. How does that sound?"

"It sounds great. I'd like that a lot," you said. You felt the heat in your cheeks and knew they were pink if not a light shade of red.

"What'll it be? Dinner? A movie?"

"Dinner sounds awesome," you replied.

"Well, if dinner is what you want, I can provide," he smiled. "And afterwards we can have more dessert." Now your cheeks had to be bright red after that comment.

"We still have some dessert to finish here," you reminded him, looking down at the unfinished bowl of strawberries and then glancing back up to him. Your eyes stayed on his lips for a moment before drifting back up to his eyes.

He got the hint and pushed the bowl of strawberries to the side so he could get closer to you. He cupped your face and kissed you with passion, and you kissed back with just as much feeling. His tongue wanted permission to dance with yours, and you gave in. As delicious as the strawberries and wine were, you completely forgot about them as you locked lips with Dark. You couldn't believe any of this was actually real!

But of course, all good things had to come to an end sometime. Too soon, he pulled away and handed you the bowl of strawberries.

"I better get going, (y/n). But I very much look forward to our next meeting. I'll be back to see you again soon."

You didn't get a chance to say goodbye before he teleported out of your room to who knows where. You already longed to have him there again, but you had a feeling that the next time he showed up would be out of your control. 

You've just reached the romance ending of this choose your own adventure story! If you're not satisfied with this ending or you just want to try a different route, go back to the introduction and pick a new choice next time! There are a total of 6 different possible endings that you can get. And of course, let me know what you think of each of the endings you get :)

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