Proceed With Caution

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Your Biggest Fan: Proceed With Caution

You were interested in how things would go with Dark tonight, but staying in your bedroom was not the safest bet. The living room had more windows, and if you remembered correctly the blinds were still open from earlier that day. Dark could easily change that so nobody outside could see what was going on, but the front door was also in the living room. Sure, he could block it, but at least that part of the house had a way out if things went wrong. And your roommates could always happen to come home and that might stop him from doing anything hasty.

"Let's go to the living room," you said.

"Very well. Lead the way."

You brought him out to your living room and noticed a plate of cheese and grapes to go with the wine. That was yet another thing that definitely had not been there before.

"How do you do that?" you asked, motioning towards the plate. "How do you just make things appear out of thin air?"

"The same way I teleport. With supernatural power," he responded, taking a seat on the couch. You sat next to him, but not too close. He took a swig of his wine and you did the same. It was delicious. You grabbed a small snack from the plate as well, and it was also tasty. And none of it was affecting you negatively. It wasn't poisoned or anything - he was just being nice and providing snacks and drinks for this strange and random meet up with a fan. Or he was trying to bribe you to get something he wanted. That was for him to know and you to find out.

"What else would you like to know?"

You thought for a minute. There were tons of questions you had for him. You weren't sure how long he'd stick around to answer, so you knew you should prioritize. Of course, you could have asked about his reasoning for the things he's done or what he thinks of Mark or the other Egos or even you. But there was one question that had been burning in your mind since he arrived.

"Why did you come here, exactly?"

"I believe I already told you that I wanted to meet some of my fans. Nobody's more obsessed with me than you," Dark chuckled. "Not that I'm complaining. It's nice that you care so much."

"Yes, but why now? What made you decide to do this now? And how did you find me anyways? I mean, I know you have supernatural powers and everything, but still."

"So many questions, (y/n)! Slow down. Have some wine. Relax." He put a hand on your shoulder and you got chills. He was trying to make you feel at ease so you wouldn't have suspicions or try anything. But you knew that, and you were going to proceed with caution and continue trying to get answers. You took another sip of wine to humor him and then spoke again.

"Sorry, Dark. This whole thing is just really overwhelming, I guess. But I am curious. So let's just start with what made you decide to meet fans now."

"Well, I've been thinking about it for a while, since Mark was willing to show me off to you all and I gained such a huge following. I saw how many people liked the character they thought Mark had created and I saw all of the things they created about me. I knew some of you would probably like to meet me, so I decided I might as well go for it. There's no better time than the present."

"Right. And how did you find me specifically?" you wondered.

"I found posts about me on social media and I saw that you post and repost a whole lot about me. The internet has a lot of information, and with my other abilities on top of that it was easy to track down the vicinity of where you lived and get here in no time," he told you. That seemed legitimate. But you still had your suspicions about him.

"Okay, that makes sense. So...what are you wanting to get out of this 'meet and greet' as you call it?" you questioned him. You hadn't meant to sound accusing but you could tell by his reaction that it had come off that way.

"I think I'm the one who should be asking you that, don't you?" he frowned.

"Well, I just want to understand you better. And I can do that if you answer my questions," you said.

"I only want to make you happy, (y/n). I owe it to you, after all of the support you've given me," he told you. But you didn't believe that he was being sincere.

"Is that really all you want?" you narrowed your eyes at him, showing that you didn't really trust him. His frown grew larger and his eyebrows crinkled in anger.

"What else do you think I could possibly want? You clearly have a theory," he decided, annoyed.

"Oh, I don't know yet. But as you've said, I know the things you've done. I know what you're like. I know from Mark that you can't really be trusted. I have a feeling you're upset with Mark because he kept you a secret for so long and still keeps you away from fans often. He threatened to kill you off, after all. That can't have made you happy. But you know that there are people out there who might give in to you and give you whatever you want. You want some of them on your side so you can get back at Mark for that and gain control. You want me."

At first it felt kind of good to let all of this out. It almost felt like a movie moment where the hero ruins the villain's day a little by letting him know that she knows what he's up to. Except that Dark was getting angrier, his reds and blues growing brighter and his body twitching.

"Well, if you've got me figured out so well, I guess you don't need to be asking me any more questions!" he snapped. Part of you wanted to respond, but you decided against it. There was no reason to make him any more mad than he already was.

"I'll be leaving now. But you should know that I'll be back. I'll give you another chance to make all of this right. And if you choose to make me angry again, it won't be pretty. Because whether or not you decide to do things my way, I'll make things go my way. Got it?" His eyes seemed to be staring directly into your soul, and there might was well have been fire in them.

"Got it," you gulped. The wine in your hand disappeared and so did Dark and everything else he had conjured up for the two of you. You knew he wasn't messing around, and you knew you had probably messed up. You hadn't been quite cautious enough around him, and now you'd have no choice but to do whatever he wanted the next time you saw him. And that could be anytime, anywhere, which was kind of terrifying.

You've just reached the suspense ending of this choose your own adventure story! If you're not satisfied with this ending or you just want to try a different route, go back to the introduction and pick a new choice next time! There are a total of 6 different possible endings that you can get. And of course, let me know what you think of each of the endings you get :)

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