Play Along

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Your Biggest Fan: Play Along

You decided you might as well play along and see what Dark had to offer. If things started going south, you'd figure it out.

"Yeah, I...I guess I have," you answered.

"Let's get to know each other, then. I've been waiting a long time to get some personal time between us," Dark confessed. He grabbed a bottle of your favorite wine off of your desk which was odd, since that bottle definitely wasn't there before he arrived. In fact, you didn't think it had been there just a moment ago... Nevertheless, he poured some of it into two glasses, one for you and one for him. He handed you your glass and you took it from him timidly.

"Shall we go out to the living room? Or would you rather stay here, where it's a little more private?"

Hello, reader! It's time for you to make a choice: what would you want? Would you play it safe and be a little cautious around Dark? Are you interested in a little romance? Or do you want a little more intimacy?

If you want to play it safe, go on to the chapter titled: Proceed With Caution.

If you want to go the romantic route, go on to the chapter titled: Romance.

If you like a little smut in your life, go on to the chapter titled: Give you Anything.

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