Pay Back

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U/N's pov

why do I have to be dragged to this stopped Death gun problem? I know I was going to be dragged into this eventually but... I'm just sick of people dying in a video game. Sinon's probably waiting for me. just a few more mops and I should be leveling up. 

as I kill a few more enemy's I get a level-up notification. I check my inventory and my Black Star is available so I equip it. it's a nice peace but it says something on the slide. "you're a killer and nothing but a killer" lovely, is Sinon almost done already she should have killed the boss by now.

I walk into the boss room and hear sniper shots. I look up and see a barrel of a sniper. me being a smart ass I walk out in the open and I don't see a three-hundred-foot lizard snake thing behind me. before it hits me Sinon shoots it in the eye. 

Sinon: get up here! 

U/N: don't have to tell me twice! 

Sinon's pov.

why does he half to be so dome sometimes? got why is he cute and handsome and dreamy a-

U/N: Sinon ha thanks for the save. you keep saving me like that and I won't be able to you one.

Sinon: you oh me mo- get down *jumps on U/N and a laser beam shoots past them* you o me so much. *shoots the bose killing it* 

U/N: you know I never thought we'd be in this potion again. 

Sinon: what are you talkin- *looks down* oh god I'm so sorry *try's to get up*

U/N: Sinon wait. *blushes*

Sinon: w-what? *blushes* 

U/N: I just moved to japan a-and I was wondering if you... um wanted to hang out?

Sinon: I-I-I don't know wha- *a sniper land on U/N face and Sinon stands up*       

U/N: aw *U/N stands up and picks the sniper up* I guess this is yours. *hands Sinon her sniper* 

Sinon: an Ultima Ratio Hecate ll. *looks at U/N* I have some plans. but after that sure. 

U/N: great! see you whenever. *runs off* 

hu his face the pride the happy ness... wait he doesn't leave in JAPAN! where is he from? 

U/N's pov

hm "you're a killer and nothing but a killer" after I read that it brute back some memories that I don't want to remember. hm whoever this Death Gun is I think he or she is from my past, there's no doubt about it. 

Player: hey are you U/N the assassin?

U/N: ya, ya I am.

Player: can I please have your autograph? *holds a pencil and paper*

U/N: ya sure. *tacks pencil and paper and rights his name* here you go. *hands the player the paper and pencil* 

Player: oh my god thank you.  *walks off to other players* 

Scout: I'm here, so what do you want? 

U/N: oh I just wanted to talk to you *stands up and walks up to scout* 

Scout: What are you doi- *U/N hits him in the back of the head* 

ten minutes later. 

come on did I hit hem that hard? I just hit the back of his head. come on.

Scout: ugh... my head. where am I!? 

U/N: finally. your awake it's been like thirty minutes.

Scout: what!? 

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