The Tournament

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U/N's pov.

as stare out onto a beautiful lake, thinking about when I should go swimming and if I should invite Kirito, Asuna, and Yui. something small jumps on my back and covers my eyes.

????: guess who? hehe.

U/N: hmm is it Kirito?

????: no. hehe.

UN: is it Asuna?

????: no.

U/N: then that leaves Yui. 

I turn my head and I see Yui looking at me, I let her down and then pick her up and rest her on my shoulders and walk back to Kirito's house.

U/N: so what's up?

Yui: dinner is ready.

U/N: really? I'm surprised that they have any money for dinner.

Kirito: Yui! Yui!? 

U/N: she's with me! 

Asuna: Yui don't do that you scared us!

Yui: I'm sorry mommy...

U/N: come down guys, she's fine. 

Asuna: come on Yui, let's get ready. 

I pick her up and let her down. Asuna takes Yui's hand and walks inside closing the door. I leaned agents the wall and so does Kirito.  

U/N: Are you sure I'm allowed to stay here?

Kirito: what makes you say that?

U/N: every time I'm near Yui Asuna get's so defensive, does she think I would...

Kirito: no of cour- 

Kirito looks down and my Katana is in his chest. he looks me in the eyes and then falls to the ground. Asuna looks out the window and screams Kirito's name. I look her in the eyes and start to smile, I walk over to the door and it's locked. 

U/N: Asuna... open the door... OPEN THE DOOR!! 

I kick the door open and walk inside and close the door, a few seconds later you can hear the screams of Asuna and Yui. 

Y/N's pov.

I jolt up and I'm sweating all over I look around and I'm not in my bed and I remember I asked if I could sleep at Asada's. Looking to my left I see her sleeping peacefully under her blanket.

ha, it was just a dream there fine I didn't kill them hu hm. I stand up slowly so I don't wake up Asuda, I walk over to her bathroom and I look at myself in the nearer I look at my green hair and my body, there's sweet everywhere. so I got in the shower and turn it on, take my clothes off and step in the shower. I just stand under the water letting the water hit my head. 

Asada: hey Y/N? ... you ok?

Y/N: ya just a nightmare, I get them all the time. nothing new.

Asada: w-w-will could you unlock the door I need to... go to the bathroom.

I turn the shower off and step out I dry myself off, put my clothing on and walk over to the door and unlock it I walk out and let Asada pass me. 

Asada's pov.

I get out of the bathroom and I see a note with a sandwich on a plate beside it. I go over to the note and pick it up. "Asada I made you some breakfast. I'm waiting in GGO see you soon. o and good luck in the Tournament!" god why is he so nice to me? not that I'm complaining. 

U/N's pov.

I'm sitting down having a drink with my hood up hiding my face. 

Player: I saw you fight with Kirito. 

U/N: ... 

Player: you got scared and forfeited. *U/N tightens up his gripe on his drink* you lost to a noob. if a noob could beet you then I guess I can too. 

U/N brakes his glass and throws it in the player's face. U/N gets a good look at him and it's Scout, Scout throws a right hook U/N moves to the side and trips him. Scout hit's his head off the counter. U/N opens his menu and equips his Black Star and shoots Scout in the leg. 

Scout: o my god did you just shoot me wi- 

U/N: shut up! *kneels down* hmm it's been more than ten seconds.

U/N stands up and starts to walk away but stops and shoots Scout in the head. I walk to the counter and pay for the drink and for the glass. I holster my gun and walk to a waiting both. I see Scout's response. I wait ten minutes and I see Sinon walking and not far behind her I see Kirito. I start to walk up to him but he bumps into a guy. 

Kirito: sorry.

Player: oh my bad Kirito-san. 

Kirito: you guys... cheer for me. 

 I walk up to Kirito and grab his hand and start walking. 

U/N: you're such a fucken trap.

time skip twenty minutes. 

I'm getting all my gear ready for the fight but my expression is so cold and my eyes are bringing the area that I'm at. it's starting to annoy other players but I don't care. all I can think about is Death Gun, how did I miss him, who is he? I made sure I killed them all. I know he gave me this Black Star. and I'm going to kill him with it. 

Sinon: U/N are you ok? Your eyes are really bright.

U/N: Sinon please sit down. 

Sinon: ok *sits down beside U/N* what's wrong. 

U/N: *looks Sinon in the eyes* I wanted to say this before the round started because I might not get the chance to say it. 

Sinon: what are you talking about? 

U/N: I've been hired to take down a player named Death Gun. you've heard about him, right?

Sinon: ya. hi can kill players but that's just stores. 

U/N: will there real he has killed. and it's my fault.   

Sinon: what do you mean? 

U/N: I didn't kill him. I killed every Laughing Coffin but somehow I missed him. 

Sinon: what a- *U/N hugs her* 

U/N: Sinon whatever you don't go near him. 

Sinon: what are y- *U/N looks her in the eyes* 

U/N: please I will protect you with all my might, but if I don't make it I need to tell you something. 

Sinon: w-what?   

U/N: Sinon I lo- 

every player in the waiting room gets teleported into the map.  

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