Only Mildly Irritating

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"Merlin! That meeting took forever." Lily huffed as she and Ailee climbed into the empty carriage. "Who did you end up sitting with?"

"Oh ugh-" Ailee muttered before being cut off by the entrance her previous companions.

"Potter, Black, couldn't you find somewhere else to sit?" Lily snapped at the two intruders.

"No, Pete and Remmy are off with some Hufflepuffs and didn't have anymore room. Besides, we wanted to sit with our train buddy anyways." James said grinning and ruffling Ailee's hair, completely ignoring the glare he was receiving from Lily.

"Wait. 'Train buddy'? You sat with these arrogant toe-rags? Why?!"

"Oh Lils, they aren't that bad." Said Ailee waving her hand dismissively as Lily rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Yeah Evans, we aren't that bad!" Said James.

"I thought James was the arrogant toe-rag, why am I getting dragged into this?!" Whined Sirius.

"Yeah, you should really lay off Sirius. He's sensitive. An unfortunate side effect of being a misunderstood hopeless romantic." Ailee teased with a smirk and a wink towards James while earning an annoyed glare from said romantic.

"I don't even want to know..." Said Lily.


They eventually made their way to the great hall for the feast and then headed back to Gryffindor tower. Ailee and Lily were lounging on the common room couches by the fire, reading before heading off to bed when they were interrupted by none other than two out of the four Marauders.

"Well, hello there Lily! Ailee!" Said Remus.

Of all the boys, Lily tolerated Remus the most. In fact Lily might even consider him as a friend, mostly because he seemingly stayed out of most of the other boys mischievous shenanigans. Ailee of course had no issues with the tall mousy brown haired boy, but was well aware that he was just as mischievous as the others... he was just better about not getting caught.

"Oh hi there Remus!" Said Lily with a smile. "Black." She deadpanned.

"So are you ready to go?" Asked Remus.

"Go? Go wh- Oh Merlin's eyebrow! We have to do prefect rounds tonight don't we!" Lily exclaimed, earning a chuckle from an amused Remus.

"Yes Lils. C'mon!" Remus replied offering a hand off the the couch.

"Ails do you mind.."

"I'll bring your stuff up Lils, don't worry," laughed Ailee. "Now run along you two!" She said shooing them away with a giggle.

Sirius took this opportunity to flop down on the couch next to the small auburn haired girl. "So Miss Abbott, what's new?"

"You literally just saw me an hour ago at dinner Sirius!"

"A lot can happen in an hour!"

"True. Well, if you must know, I changed into these sweat pants grabbed this book and was sitting in this spot reading until this-" she said gesturing to him, "mildly irritating boy came over and started to distract me." She said with an amused look.

"Ah, only mildly irritating? I'll need to step up my game." He flashed her mischievous grin wiggling his eyebrows as Ailee lightly thumped his arm with the book in her hands. "So what are you reading?" He asked, sprawling across the couch and putting his feet in the girls lap.

"Pride and prejudice. It's my favorite book." She said shyly.

"Oh! I've read that one!" He bolted up excitedly, sitting cross legged facing her on on the opposite end of the couch. Ailee couldn't help noticing how adorable he looked when he was excited.

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