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Y/n PoV

Everything was going fine til Bucky brought out the fire sticks. I saw Bonzo freak. I elbowed Buck

y who was next to me. "What the hell Bucky Zombies don't like fire."

"Oh they don't." He replied smiling. The cheerleader launched two girls in the air. Bonzo ran in and Zed came up behind him to catch the girl. After that everything was in slow motion. The other flyer was gonna fall. Oh shit.

15 minutes ago

"Hey Bree, you ready for the show." I asked. 

"Of course not. Everyone will be judging oh I'm never gonna fly." She replied sadly.

"Oh that's not true. He y Bucky come over here." He came over and I set my plan into motion. "You said that you wanted us to have to flyers. Well I found you the second." I made hand gestures pointing toward Bree who had lost color in her cheeks and looked startled.

"Ok who?" He asked.

"Dude are you blind I was talking about Bree."

"Oh Bree. I don't know Y/n. I don't think that's a great ide-" I gave the boy the puppy dog eyes in hope he would say yes. "Oh fine she can fly just make sure neither of you mess this up.

15 minutes later

I had to catch Bree who was still surrounded by the people who were supposed to catch her but where to busy paying attention to the Zombies. Time seemed to slow down as I ran towards them and baseball slid under them only to stand up in records time and catch Bree.

As soon as I did all eyes where on me. It stayed that way for a minute  until the principal yelled. "Zed Y:n come."

We both looked at each other and gulped then breaking out into laughter. We sat down in the principals office. "That was amazing you ran through our whole defensive line." He stared at Zed and then he moved to me and pointed "and you... your reflexes and quick thinking saved that girls and you caught her in mid air. You both where amazing." I blushed a little at the attention that was on me Zed the Principal and the coach all nodded at me.

"You two are on the football team." The principal stated.

"Really?" My voice was filled with joy as she nodded. "Yes yes yes yes we made the team Zed we made the team."

"Are you sure?" Zed asked.

"Of course Coach wants you on the team."

"Oh heck yes I want him on the team. If you two start Winning games I could get a tase get a gym membership. Get a cat, but some slacks I could really use some slacks." He said causing me and Zed to laugh a little.

"Ok but if I join the team I want Zombies to aloud anywhere in the school I want us to be accepted." Zed said.

"Yeah I'm with Zed if Zombies don't start getting treated like us human students then I won't play." I stated making everyone stare at me in disbelief. Neither of of the other humans in the room actually liked Zombies and the zombie in the room didn't expect a human to want to help zombies.

"So umm we can start out small right Zed," He nodded slowly, " Zombies can eat lunch in the cafeteria and every time we win it help the zombies letting them into real classes and clubs. Even being aloud on the same side as the humans no more fence that keep us separated" 

"That works with me. But you better bring in those wins." 

"Trust me," I looked at Zed smiling, "we will."

Discontinued: An indescribable being and a zombie (Zed x Reader(Where stories live. Discover now