Chapter 6

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Percy's POV
It was finally the summer solstice. It was finally the day I get to see the look on the Athena spawns face when I she sees that I'm a god. Athena hates Annabeth now. Most of the kids at the camps hate her now too. Paige and I have gone on a couple dates in the past week. Somehow Aphrodite found out and Apollo and Hermes are going to be teasing me for the rest of the century. Zeus called the meeting so dad left.

Annabeth's POV
Today was the day of the summer solstice. I knew Chiron hoped to learn what happened to Percy. I had only one friend. My boyfriend Kieth son of Hecate. When we got to Olympus all 14 gods were there but there was an extra throne. Suddenly there was the beginning of a gods true form so we all looked away. When we looked back the god standing there looked very familiar. When he shrunk down I saw that he was Percy. I was in so much shock I fainted.

Thalia's POV
"Percy?" I asked in shock while Annabeth fainted. "Yep pinecone face me." Chiron looked just as surprised as the rest of us. When Percy sat on his throne, Apollo waved his hand and Annabeth was revived. Poseidon said "All hail Perseus Jackson god of loyalty, friendship, time, swordmanship, and tides." Zeus then said "Annabeth will be in charge of making his cabin at Camp Half-blood and his palace here on Olympus. Perseus go somewhere and be back in 15 minutes." With that Percy left in a flash of golden light.

Athena's POV
"Annabeth Chase!" I said as soon as Perseus left. "Why would you do that to Perseus. As my daughter you should know better!" Just then Iris the rainbow goddess flashed in and showed the demigods and Chiron what had happened. After Iris finished playing the memories Perseus came back.

Percy's POV
"What happened?" Every god was glaring at Annabeth. All of the demigods except her new boyfriend were glaring at her. Hades even Chiron was. Was Iris here when I left? "What happened?" I ask once more. Dad said while still glaring at Annabeth "Iris show him." After seeing it I slumped down on my throne. It was still to painful to bear. Iris stopped showing after I slumped in my throne. Zeus said "Perseus you are free to go." After he said that I left for my Dads palace. I went and sat on my bed and cried. I was beginning to feel I would never recover from Annaneth leaving me. I dont know how long I cried for but soon both Tyson and dad were standing in the doorway. I didn't realize they were there until I heard dad mumble something into Tysons ear. I faced the doorway as dad said "Maybe having Iris show you wasn't the best idea ever." I glared and him and said "Ya think!" Dad came over and gave me a hug and said "I'm sorry." "Its ok. I'm going to talk a walk near mom's appartment.

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