Chapter 14

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Percy's POV
The mortals stared at me in shock. Hermes and Apollo started laughing. I glared at them and stopped laughing so that it was just a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and said towards my father and uncles "Have Chiron,  Frank and Reyna identified all the bodies?" "There is still one more Chiron has to identify. He should have an answer by tomorrow." Zeus said. I nod and sit back down. Zeus,  being the dramatic thing he is said "Now we superior beings must leave and tend to our domains." With that everyone flashed out. We all went to Camp-Halfblood for some strange reason. We all see Chiron standing over the body of a broken girl. Her hair is full of dirt and her arms and legs are twisted at awkward angles. Athena gasps "Chiron is that..." "Yes I'm afraid it is Lady Athena" Something in my head clicks. It can't be. No it can't.  Is it really?

I'm going to be mean and leave it at that.  No finding out until next Sunday🙃🙃im truly evil. Oh and sorry its late.  I know it's Monday but I was really bust yesterday and didn't get a chance to finish and post so here it is.

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