Chapter 8

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12 years later
Zoe's POV
I glared at Luke. My annoying twin brother. He just asked Mom about Dad. He knows Mom doesn't like to talk about him. Mom sighed and said "His name is Percy and he's lost at sea. Not dead lost at sea." Luke looked like he wanted to argue but I kicked him under the table so he said ow instead. "Zoe be nice" mom told me. Today is the last day of school. Luke and I are 12. I grab my backpack and say "Come on Luke. The bus should be here soon." Luke groans. Since we both have ADHD and Dyslexia school has always been challenging. This year though Mom says we are finally old enough to go to a summer camp that our dad wanted us to go to before he left. Luke's best friend Connor insisted he go everywhere with us. It kind of got annoying some days. Luke and I managed to get through the school day without getting in trouble. When we got home Mom told us to pack our bags and put them in the trunk. She was going to take us to camp.

Luke's POV
Zoe and I were in the car with mom on our way to camp. I wasn't particularly thrilled about camp. The only good part was that Connor was coming with us. When we got there mom said she couldn't go in with us. But before we went in mom told us some crazy story of our dad being a greek god or something I wasn't listening. Zoe, Connor, and I grabbed our suitcases and headed toward the entrance.

Zoe's POV
When we walked into camp we were met by a man in a wheelchair. He introduced himself as Chiron. He then began to climb out of his wheelchair except he had a horses body. A realization dawned on me. "You're the Chiron from the greek myths!" "The greek gods are not myths my dear. Long time no see Connor." "Hi Chiron." Connor said. "Connor would you give the children a tour?" We were told to take our stuff to the Hestia cabin where all of the unclaimed campers stayed. Soon the conch horn sounded for dinner. Luke and I were sitting at the Hestia table when a symbol appeared over each of our heads. Chiron said "All hail Zoe and Luke Nolan children of Perseus Jackson, god of loyalty, friendship, time, swordmanship, and tides." That's when everyone saw a small golden light appearing next to Chiron. "Look away." Chiron said calmly. We all did as he said. When we looked again we saw a god standing there.

Percy's POV
When I flashed to Camp Half-blood I saw my children sitting at the Hestia table. "How are you Zoe and Luke?" They both had my sea green eyes and jet black hair. Before they answered I began walking towards them. When I got to them they said together "Fine Lord Perseus." "Please dont call me Lord Perseus or Perseus. I prefer Percy but you two can call me dad if you want." After I said that they leaped up and gave me a hug. Luke said after he finished hugging me "Why couldn't you be there for us?" "Ancient laws restricted me and if you knew who you were to early that could endanger you." They both seemed to except that and  hugged me once more. I told them "I have to go now but you can expect a visit from Poseidon and my mom within the next day or two ok?" "Ok dad" they replied together.

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