Chapter 12

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Towards the end of the war with Nero

Percy's POV
Hecate and I were battling Nero when Nero whispered something so fast I couldn't understand him. Hecate,  who was fully aware beside me suddenly collapsed. I chopped Nero into pieces and spread them around Tartarus. I then rushed to Hecate's side and yelled "Apollo get over here" He flashed by my side and noticed Hecate. He muttered some words that I really shouldn't repeat then turned to me and said "I don't know what's happened to her. I do know that with her unconscious the mist will slowly disappear. We will all be slowly revealed to mortals" I groaned.  Being a god and all is great but when the world is in trouble it all rests on your shoulders. Apollo flashed Hecate to his temple while I flashed to wherever in Hades (sorry uncle) my dad and uncles were.

Poseidon's POV
Hades,  Zeus,  and I were standing around the broken body of an unrecognizable demigod.  Her hair was stained with dirt and blood. (A/N you're not gonna find out who the girl is for a couple chapters yet.  Feel free to comment your guess) We could tell she had been on our side by the Camp Half-Blood T-shirt. She could have been a daughter of any other Olympian. Hades and I each had one child while Zeus had two. Thalia was the imortal luitenant of Artemis and Jason well he wasn't a girl.  Neither was Percy (who was imortal)  or Nico.  Zeus looked away from the broken body and stared at the air next to me until I look beside me and see Percy.  "What is it" Hades grumbled. "There's something wrong with Hecate. Apollo said the mist is slowly going to disappear." At this Hades and I tore our eyes away from the body and looked at Percy. I rested my hand on his shoulder and said "We're gonners" Hades nodded his head in agreement while Zeus said "Why don't we rule the world once more?" "Is that really a good idea, Uncle" Zeus nodded "Call everyone to Olympus." Zeus said to no one in particular. Percy concentrated and soon all the Olympians were at Olympus. Zeus began the meeting and thundered "According to Apollo the mist is going to slowly dissolve. I propose we reveal ourselves before this can happen." A chorus of muttering came up until Zeus said "All against raise your hand" Only 4 of us raised our hands.  Hades,  Athena, Percy, and I were all against. "Then it is decided.  We will reveal  ourselves at some point.  I'll call you all when I've decided. Perseus I want you to go to the school your step dad used to work." "Why? " "To inform us on what they think of the gods. We'll tell them that the gods exist just not show them." Zeus droned on and on.  "The meeting is dismissed." After the meeting Hades and I went to deliver all the dead bodies to their respective camp.

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