Chapter 5.

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When I got home, I was wearing the beanie. THE. BEANIE.

"Hey Charlie, you're home early today, why-" Jenna looked at my beanie. "When did you get that?"

"A friend came by to see me when I was at work."

"Who was it?"

Oh shoot. I didn't think of that part.

"It was..... Joey."

"As in ex-boyfriend Joey?"

"No, a new friend named Joey. As if I'd see loser Joey again."

"He's pretty good looking though."

"He's a jerk. I wish I never met him. Anyways, it wasn't him."

"But he's-" She looked at the cupholder in my pocket. "What's that?"

I put my hands over my pocket. "Nothing."

Jenna stood up. "What is that?"

I started backing away. "Nothing."

Jenna screamed and ran toward me. I also screamed and ran toward the bathroom. Jenna grabbed my and reached for my pocket.

"Don't!" I yelled. But Jenna pulled it out of my pocket and read it. "What is this for??"

"I'm not supposed to tell!"





Jenna took a moment to calm down and read it. She looked up at me, then my autographed Louis poster. "Oh, my god."

"NO! You can't tell anyone about this!"


"I promised Louis."

"Is that where you got that beanie?"

I blushed and nodded.

Jenna slowly walked toward me and handed me the cupholder. "Sorry about that."

I frowned, grabbed my phone, and walked into the bathroom, then locked the door. I quickly tapped in Louis number and sent him a text.

Me: Hey, it's Charlie.

Louis x): Oh hello, Charlotte.

Me: No. Not Charlotte. The name on my birth certificate is Charlie Rae Schultz.

Louis x): Well then, Charlie Rae Shultz. It seems you need to talk to me.

Me: Yeah. Need to escape my roommate. Again.

Louis x): The lads think you should come over tomorrow. We're having American pizza.

Me: Sounds like a deal. I can bring my Doctor Who seasons.

Louis x):.... Please?

Me: xD Haha okay. I have Eccleston, Tennant, and Smith. Which one?

It was a bit before Louis responded.

Louis x): Tennant! :D

Me: Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.

Louis x): Wear the beanie?

I felt myself blushing. I looked at myself in the mirror. It was still on my head.

Me: Okay. 

Louis x): I'll see you tomorrow then?

Me: Yeah. See you tomorrow.

Louis x): Wait.. before you go... Is it alright Liam has your number?

Me: Yeah. It's fine.

Louis x): He might send you a text soon. Just so you know.

Me: Okay. It's almost like-

My phone buzzed. Unknown number.

?: Hey it's Liam.

Me: Oh, hey Liam.

Liam: Did Louis talk to you about tomorrow..?

Me: Yup.

Liam: American Pizza and British telly shows.

Me: Yup.

Liam: Well, I've gotta go. See you tomorrow :)

Me: Bye!

I went back to the conversation between Louis and me.

Me: Sorry, Liam was texting me.

Louis x): What were you saying before you ditched me for him? lol

Me: I was NOT ditching you. He is a fast texter. I couldn't respond to you.

Louis x): I'm joking with you, Charlotte.

Me: CHARLIE. ;alfjsdlgdslhgafs.

Louis x): I'm just teasing you, love. I'm just kind of down now.

Me: Huh?

Louis x): Eleanor and I broke up. Keeping it from the press, of course.

Me: Oh. I'm sorry.

Louis x): It was a mutual decision, but it still hurts.

Me: Well, I'll give you a hug when I see you.

Louis x): ... Okay. :)

Me: So anyway... Liam texted me back with rapid fireness. It's almost like he has a crush on me or something.

Louis x): That's cool. I guess. So I'll see you tomorrow?

Me: Yup. Bai!

Louis x): Bai! :D

I unlocked the door, set my phone on the counter, and slowly walked to my room.


I walked into my room and closed the door. I picked up a pillow and started screaming into it.


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