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  From: Stephen King's IT

Costume: His 2017 remake appearance


- Fun Loving

- Nightmarish

- Clown

X-Ray Move:

Pennywise uses his telekinetic powers to strangle his opponent, badly damaging their neckbone. After that, he finishes the move by lifting up his opponent with his telekinetic powers and slams them into the ground headfirst, breaking the skull, spine and neck.


What's For Dinner?: Pennywise grows to enormous size to which he grabs his helpless opponent, opens his mouth ridiculously wide, and eats them whole. Pennywise eventually burps out their skeleton afterwards.

Horror Awaits: Pennywise grabs her opponent's right arm and rips their right arm off. As the opponent gets horrified, Pennywise vanishes and as the opponent looks around, not knowing where he went. A giant king cobra appears in front of the opponent and consumes the upper body of his opponent, much like Liu Kang's The Beast Within fatality.


Blade Problems Lately? (All Variations): Pennywise throws a kitchen knife at the opponent and decapitates them as the knife is thrown.

Heads First (All Variations): Pennywise punches his opponent two times, the second punch decapitating them before quickly grabbing their head and eats it whole like no problem.

Rising Levels (Fun Loving Variation): Using telekinesis, Pennywise lifts his opponent in the air and will rip the opponent's torso apart.

Inevitableness (Nightmarish Variation): Using telekinesis, Pennywise rips the opponent's heart out and raises their heart in victory as the opponent collapses.

Gore Shedding (Clown Variation): Using telekinesis, Pennywise pulls the skin away in two pieces, in an upward motion. The skinless opponent falls down to the ground dead.

Brutality Win Quotes:

"Don't be scared now."

"Your worst fears have come to life."

"Are you afraid yet?"

"This was extraordinarily fun!"

Win Pose:

Pennywise smirks as a circus-like platform appears and he dances on it with flames erupting around him as he laughs.

Battle Intros:

Pennywise: What do we have here?
Alien: (hisses)

Alien: (drops from above and extends arm blade)
Pennywise: I fear nothing.

Pennywise: Your worst fears shall come true!
Bo' Rai Cho: Your attitude does not sit well with me.
Pennywise: It should in a moment.

Bo' Rai Cho: You are reckless, impulsive!
Pennywise: Why would listen to a fat man like you?
Bo' Rai Cho: (grunts) I will get you for this.

Pennywise: Hello, little one.
Cassie Cage: Are you that unhealthy restaurant guy?

Cassie Cage: Clowns, huh?
Pennywise: Wanna see a magic trick?
Cassie Cage: Up your ass? Sure.

Pennywise: Who are you?
D'Vorah: We're your coming demise.
Pennywise: Sadly, I don't fear death.

D'Vorah: Demented clown!
Pennywise: You won't know what terror I'll bring you.
D'Vorah: As you try, you will fail.

Pennywise: Are you a mummy?
Ermac: We're a collection of souls!
Pennywise: Souls? Show me!

Ermac: Curious...
Pennywise: I'm Pennywise the Dancing Clown.
Ermac: Die, boastful one!

Pennywise: Ooh, a cowboy.
Erron Black: One that will fuck you up like nobody's business.
Pennywise: Didn't your mother raise you not to say those bad words?

Erron Black: State your business!
Pennywise: I'm Pennywise the Dancing Clown.
Erron Black: Don't say I didn't warn you.

Pennywise: What are you afraid of, Ferra?
Ferra/Torr: We not afraid of anything, not even clown man.
Pennywise: Then let's have some fun for a change.

Ferra/Torr: You no scare we.
Pennywise: It will soon change.
Ferra/Torr: Clown man be taken out now.

Pennywise: Goro.
Goro: You are no Shang Tsung!
Pennywise: How am I anything like this "Shang Tsung"?

Goro: Prepare yourself!
Pennywise: What would make you say that?
Goro: I will tear you apart!

Pennywise: Hello, little one.
Jacqui Briggs: You are gonna haunt my dreams.
Pennywise: It's what I do.

Jacqui Briggs: I'm not afraid of you.
Pennywise: Such a determined girl you are.
Jacqui Briggs: Be real.

Pennywise: Fear is a delicious thing...
Jason: (removes knife embedded in neck)

Jason: (pulls machete out of dead girl he dragged in)
Pennywise: You'd kill anyone except your mommy.

Pennywise: Who are you?
Jax: I'm Jackson Briggs, chump.
Pennywise: Then let's have some fun for a change.

Jax: Great...
Pennywise: I'll see what a soldier fears.
Jax: Not today, you don't.

Pennywise: Those are nice glasses!
Johnny Cage: If you break 'em, you're paying of them.
Pennywise: Such humor you have.

Johnny Cage: Did you get any cotton candies with ya?
Pennywise: Nope. I'm your worst fears come to life!
Johnny Cage: Bullshit, dude.

Pennywise: Kano...
Kano: Make me laugh, clown!
Pennywise: More than happy too!

Kano: Look who's here!
Pennywise: Even a Black Dragon shall fear me.
Kano: S'your funeral...

Pennywise: Want me to bring a pinata?
Kenshi: You're a murderer, Pennywise.
Pennywise: I'll come for your son after you.

Kenshi: You have telekinesis as well?
Pennywise: I sure do, my friend.
Kenshi: Remove the "r" please.

Pennywise: Princess.
Kitana: The last you'll ever fight.
Pennywise: I shall feed of your fears now.

Kitana: What is the meaning of this?
Pennywise: I'm Pennywise the Dancing Clown.
Kitana: It will end quickly.

Pennywise: Ko'atal!
Kotal Kahn: You do not impress.
Pennywise: Then let's have some fun for a change.

Kotal Kahn: Pennywise.
Pennywise: I'll feed on your fears.
Kotal Kahn: Not likewise.

Pennywise: Kung Jin...
Kung Jin: Get out of my face, loser.
Pennywise: I'll kill you for insulting me.

Kung Jin: A clown!?
Pennywise: I'm Pennywise the Dancing Clown.
Kung Jin: Hope you didn't lose your iPod.

Pennywise: What a nice hat.
Kung Lao: It will rip through your flesh in no time!
Pennywise: We shall see about that!

Kung Lao: What are you?
Pennywise: I am your worst fear coming to life.
Kung Lao: Should I succeed to see why?

Pennywise: How about a hamburger?
Leatherface: (snarls)

Leatherface: (raises and revs chainsaw)
Pennywise: Nice to meet you.

Pennywise: I'd love to show you a magic trick.
Liu Kang: Better than me kicking you in the face?
Pennywise: Ooh, you're determined, aren't you?

Liu Kang: Pennywise.
Pennywise: What does a champion fear?
Liu Kang: Not to the likes of you.

Pennywise: Hello, little one.
Mileena: Perhaps devouring a clown is in my agenda!
Pennywise: You shouldn't be so sure, Mileena.

Mileena: Who disturbs the Empress?
Pennywise: It is I, Pennywise.
Mileena: I will rip out your throat!

Pennywise: Your worst fears shall come true!
Predator: (roars)

Predator: (scans using thermal/night vision)
Pennywise: Would you like a balloon?

Pennywise: Quan Chi!
Quan Chi: Who dares disturb me?
Pennywise: I do.

Quan Chi: You are 15 billion years of age!
Pennywise: How old are you then?
Quan Chi: Today will be your painful demise.

Pennywise: You didn't succeed in protecting Earthrealm.
Raiden: I tried as much as I could.
Pennywise: Not now you do not.

Raiden: Step aside, cretin!
Pennywise: My name is not Cretin.
Raiden: Enough wordplay. Let's fight.

Pennywise: Reptile.
Reptile: I'll kill a clown for a change.
Pennywise: And I'll kill a Saurian at once...

Reptile: I do not fear your power.
Pennywise: You will be soon.
Reptile: Let uss begin.

Pennywise: Hanzo Hasashi.
Scorpion: I fear no sorcery!
Pennywise: You will be in a moment.

Scorpion: You will taste fire, Pennywise.
Pennywise: Your worst fears included?
Scorpion: Enough!

Pennywise: The fallen Elder God!
Shinnok: I... will kill you!
Pennywise: So will I, Shinnok.

Shinnok: Do you fear death?
Pennywise: No, it shall be you.
Shinnok: Nonsense!

Pennywise: Sonya Blade.
Sonya Blade: You remind me of a certain clown I once fought.
Pennywise: Who would that be, my dear?

Sonya Blade: I'm gonna beat. Your. Ass.
Pennywise: You wouldn't hit a clown, would you?
Sonya Blade: Shut the fuck up.

Pennywise: I thought you died long ago.
Sub-Zero: I'm no Bi-Han!
Pennywise: Until now.

Sub-Zero: You do not belong here.
Pennywise: Neither do you!
Sub-Zero: I belong in Earthrealm.

Pennywise: Takeda Takahashi.
Takeda: So you're the one who murdered Georgie Denbrough!
Pennywise: And you will be next!

Takeda: You're in my way.
Pennywise: Would you like a balloon?
Takeda: No thanks.

Pennywise: Greetings, Tanya.
Tanya: What's your game, clown?
Pennywise: A very fun one indeed!

Tanya: You cannot evade me, beast!
Pennywise: Do not disrespect me.
Tanya: Only fools stand in my way.

Pennywise: Rocky boy.
Tremor: I am called Tremor.
Pennywise: Then let's have some fun for a change.

Tremor: Your death will satisfy my rage!
Pennywise: Would you like for me to read you a bedtime story?
Tremor: Time to die!

Pennywise: boop de da boop boop.
Triborg: Your silly nonsense won't work on me, fool.
Pennywise: Don't say it like that!

Triborg: You're a mysterious being.
Pennywise: Who loves to have fun.
Triborg: I'll show you mayhem!

Mirror Intros:

Pennywise: Who are you?
Pennywise: You must be an illusion!
Pennywise: There can be only one!

Pennywise: I coulda swore I didn't make a mirror.
Pennywise: You're seeing yourself for real.
Pennywise: Not for long.  

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