Alex Mercer

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  From: Prototype

Costume 1: Alex's appearance from "Prototype"

Costume 2: Alex's Armor Form from "Prototype"

Alex Mercer lived a lonely life as an orphan, not cared for by the orphanage he was in, or by his incarerated criminal parents, causing him to grow up as a socipathic man who would care only for himself. Graduating as a brilliant geneticist, Alex worked at the GenTek organization to create viruses for war. After GenTek was investigated by the U.S. government, Alex attempted to escape New York with his prized creation, the Blacklight Virus. Surrounded and gunned down, Alex used his final breaths to release the virus on New York, entering his dead body and resurrecting him in a morgue. Discovering newfound powers but losing his memories, Alex began a search to find the truth of himself, and seek vengeance. Finding out who he was, Alex began a crusade to stop the virus he released, and to reach his full potential. One night, Alex was suddenly sucked into a portal, landing him in Outworld, where he found out of the Mortal Kombat tournament. Intrigued by the potential of opponents he could consume and wanting to find a way back home, Alex entered the tournament, unknowing the being who brought him...

Special Moves:
Whipfist Slam: Alex impales the opponent with a Whipfist, and he then slams the opponent to the ground on the other side of the screen.

Claw Swipes: Alex slashes the opponent across the chest and face twice using his Claws.

Blade: Alex impales the opponent with his Blade arm, before kicking them away.

Hammerfists: Alex slams the ground with his Hammerfists, causing a shockwave that either knocks the opponent off their feet or stuns them, depending on distance.

Shield Bash: Alex forms the Shield on his arm, and rushes throught the opponent, running them over.

X-Ray Move
Musclemass: Alex forms the Musclemass on his arms and punches the opponent on their sides, crushing and breaking their ribs. He then delivers powerful punches at their face, breaking their jaws. Finally, he grabs the opponent by their neck and slams them onto the ground, breaking parts of their back.

Consumption: Alex stomps his foot on the ground, releasing a large spike of biomass into the opponent's stomach, impaling them, before it dissappears. As the opponent grabs onto their entrails, Alex grabs the opponent and rips them in half, their biomass absorbing into his body. Alex suddenly shapeshifts into the opponent, looking at the new form he has before giving a small chuckle.

Feeding Time: Alex raises his arms and suddenly a large flock of Flyers, birds infected with the Blacklight Virus, suddenly swarm the opponent and attack, while we hear the opponent's screams. After a short time, the Flyers dissappear and we see the opponent's skeleton is the only thing left.

Voice Actor: Barry Pepper

Babality: A baby Alex creates the Blade, but he cannot maintain its weight, and falls down. Alex begins to cry, unable to shift the Blade back to normal.

Battle Intro: Alex jumps from the ceiling, landing on his feet before saying "You don't know what you're dealing with" and shifting his arms into Claws.

Winning Pose: Alex shifts his arms back to normal before saying "My work is almost done here" and walking away.

Stage: USS Reagan

The Prototype slaughtered and consumed Shao Kahn, along with the rest of the opponents he had faced, increasing his powers many times beyond what he had before. At that moment, the sorcerer Shang Tsung revealed that he was the one who summoned Alex into this world, having Alex consume all in the tournament so that Shang Tsung did not have to, and would soon take Alex's soul, along with the many others had consumed. Alex and Shang Tsung fought, but the sorcerer could not stand against the powers of Mercer and the warriors he had consumed and in the end, was consumed himself. Possessing Shang Tsung's powers, Alex could now return home...but decided to stay for a bit longer. This world had many more beings he could consume, and his feast was just beginning. His next target could be anyone, now, and he could be hiding as anyon  

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