Jackie Estacado

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  From: The Darkness


On his 21st birthday, Jackie Estacado, hitman for the mafia, gained a demonic force thought to be lost, The Darkness... From there on, his life has had it's fair share of ups and downs, including the death of his loved one, Jenny. Now the head of the Mafia in New York, he is in full control while The Darkness seeks to engulf his soul. But then a portal from a unlikely enemy sent him into Outworld during Shao Khan's Mortal Kombat Tournament. With The Darkness seeming not to be affected by Outworld's light, both Jackie and the Darkness had to get back home, the first place to get their answers is in the Tournament.

Normal Costume:

His normal "The Darkness video game" appearance and the Darkness looks the same as in the game.

Alternative Costume:

His "Darkness" form from the comics, The Darkness looks the same.


Forward Throw: Jackie has a Demon arm pop out of his back, grabbing the opponent by the leg and slams them on the ground before throwing the opponent in front of him.
Backwards Throw: Jackie has a Demon arm pop out of his back, grabbing the opponent by the leg and slams them on the ground before throwing the opponent behind him.

Special Moves:

Darkness Shield: The Darkness shields Jackie from any projectile attack as it says "Pitiful..." (Enhanced Version is called "Darkness Rebound", it blocks any attack, even grabs to which the Darkness impales the opponent before throwing them away.)
Creeping Dark: Jackie's consciousness will transfer into one of the demon heads from his back and make it bite the opponent before it comes back as it says "Your flesh i feast upon!" (Enhanced Version is called "Creeping Darkness", when the Darkness bites the opponent, another demon head pushes the opponent across the screen.)
Darkness Gun: The Darkness forms it's power into a gun which Jackie can shoot 2 shots into the opponent as it says "Feel your impending doom...". (Enhanced Version is called "Darkness Guns", Jackie has another gun and after he fires the two shots, he fires the other gun which hits the opponent and explodes, sending them back.)
Black Hole: The Darkness bends space and time, creating a vacuum, a black hole which will suck in the opponent as it says "Ah, your screaming is music...", leaving them open for a while for a free hit or combo by Jackie. (Enhanced Version is called "Black Hole Sun", it's bigger, lasts longer and does more damage.)
Berserker Darkling: Jackie uses the Darkness to summon a Darkling that's dressed in a ripped up "Mortal Kombat 3" shirt which jumps and slashes the opponent, saying one of many lines before disappearing. (Enhanced Version is called "Berserker Darking Maul", The Darkling has a baseball bat in hand and slams it onto the opponent's head.)
Gunner Darkling: Jackie uses the Darkness to summon a female Darkling that's wearing a army helmet and has a uzi in hand, shooting the opponent, saying one of many quotes before disappearing. (Enhanced Version is called "Gunner Darkling Shooting", the Darkling uses a huge gatling gun and blasts the opponent with it.)
Kamikaze Darkling: Jackie uses the Darkness to summon a Darkling comes strapped with a backpack full of explosives that runs towards the opponent, saying one of many quotes and blows himself up, the blast affecting the opponent. (Enhanced Version is called "Kamikaze Darkling Blast", the Darkling also carries to pinless grenades in his hands as he explodes, causing a bigger explosion.)
Lightkiller Darkling: Jackie uses the Darkness to summon a Darkling that shoots out an electric beam, saying one of many quotes, at the opponent, hurting them before disappearing. (Enhanced Version is called "Lightkiller Darkling Shock", he keeps the beam going, shocking the opponent in place, leaving them open for a free hit or combo.)
Pistol Blast: Jackie fires his pistol at the opponent with two shots. (Enhanced Version is "Pistol Target", Jackie takes out two pistols and shoots the opponent up.)

X-Ray Move:

Darkness Falls: Jackie uses his demon arms to drag the opponent towards him which opens them for attack, which Jackie does, taking out one of his handguns, pistol whipping the opponent against their head, cracking it before the demon arms grabs the opponent's legs and twists each of them, breaking each of them, then Jackie shoots them in the chest with his handgun, sending them back.


Embrace The Darkness: Jackie makes his demon arms grab the opponents by their arms and legs, The Darkness saying "Useless, dull, pointless MAGGOT!", the last part as the demon arms rips the opponent in four pieces, the Darkness laughing as the pieces fall and Jackie shakes his head as one of the demon heads rips the opponent's heart out and swallows it.
BERSERKER!: Jackie takes his handgun out and shoots the opponent in their kneecaps and aims it at their forehead, but lowers it, shaking his head, saying "No, i won't kill you...", then walks away, confusing the opponent before a Berserker Darkling appears in front of the opponent, huge jackhammer in hands, The Darkness saying "But he WILL!", then the Berserker Darkling starts stabbing them in the stomach with the jackhammer, blood and gore going all over the place, killing them, then starts peeing on their corpse as the announcer says "Jackie Estacado Wins.", saying "Sleep, perchance to dream. And piss!"

Voice Actors:

Nolan North (Jackie Estacado), Mike Patton (The Darkness), Richard Steven Horvitz (Berserker Darkling), Jennifer Darling (Gunner Darkling), Fred Tasasciore (Kamikaze Darkling) and Dee Bradley Baker (Lightkiller Darkling)

Darkling Quotes:

Berseker- "I Like Penguins!", "Are You Nuts?", "Human flesh is porky meat!", "I wanna kill someone!", "I's having fun!", "Wanna make biscuits?" "If you're blue and you don't know where to go to why don't you go where fashion sits, Puttin' on the Ritz!"
Gunner- "Kung Fu!", "Karate Chop! Ya!", "I am unfamiliar with the concept.", "Maybe not, I guess.", "Bang bang!", "Love the smell of corpses in the night."
Lightkiller- "Light gone, Darkness happy.", "Bye-bye.", "What i miss?", "I'm Raiden!", "Raiden ain't got shit on me!", "Juicing time!"


Jackie looks around before the demon arms appear and they play patty cake together, both laughing.

Battle Intro:

Jackie simply walks onto the battlefield, raising his guns up, closing his eyes, saying "Gonna talk or fight?, then smiles and opens his eyes which are glowing yellow as the demon arms and heads appear for a bit as the Darkness says "Jackie... use the DARKNESS!" before he's ready to fight.

Win pose:

Jackie nods and brings his arms to the side, saying "Nothing Personal.", like he's on a cross as the Darkness surrounds him, The Darkness saying "Jackie... Though you... I AM BORN!"


Jackie Estacado stood tall over Shao Khan's corpse, his help from The Darkness increased his chances of winning the fight. Then a pain ran in his chest, then his back, both were fireballs thrown by Shang Tsung who, after watching Jackie fight, craved The Darkness. The wounds were fatal, knowing the Darkness needed a host, Jackie commanded it to seek out one of the fighters in the tournament, one who, like himself, knows the pain of his life being taken away, but let the host use them for good. The Darkness agreed, seeking a new host as Jackie drew his last breath, his first sight of Heaven being his girlfriend, welcoming him. The Darkness did find a new host, one who it was suitable with, one who just found out who was really behind the murder's of his clan... The Shirai Ryu...  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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