Zabuza Momochi

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  From "Naruto"

Costume 1: What he's wearing when he first encounters Squad 7; shirtless, baggy pants and wrist warmers that extend up to his elbows.

Costume 2: Sleeveless shirt, different-colored leg-warmers and wrist warmers.

Born in Kirigakure, Zabuza had the aura of a demon. This was proven when he was just a boy where he killed a hundred student ninjas. He later tried to stage a coup on his native country, but failed and fled where he met and befriended Haku. The two ultimately met their end at what would become the Great Naruto Bridge.

Strangely enough, Zabuza came to his senses in a world that he was unfamiliar with. It turned out that Quan Chi had resurrected him and made him his slave in an attempt to win the Mortal Kombat Tournament in the name of Shao Kahn. Having no choice, Zabuza would go along with it.

Special Attacks:

-Water Prison: Zabuza enters a special stance and, if the opponent attacks it, it will turn into a sphere of water and encase them, leaving them vulnerable to attack.

-Hidden Mist: Zabuza encompasses the area in mist, briefly, then reappears behind the opponent or a short distance forward/backward.

-Water Clone: If timed just right, Zabuza will replace himself with a water clone and avoid damage, reappearing in a different location while the clone takes the hit (and vanishes in the process).

-Bloodbath: Zabuza slashes a few times, turning his blade red and making it stronger until the combo reaches its max (5 hits)

-Water Dragon: Zabuza pauses for a brief moment, then launches a dragon made of water at his opponent.

X-Ray Move

Demon's Wrath: Zabuza places his opponent's head in the circular opening in his sword, then wrenches them forward, twisting their neck. He then slams them on the ground, then smashes his foot into their midsection, showing any organ and bone damage he does. He frees his sword after the combo.

Demon in the Mist: Zabuza brings forth a thick shroud of fog and the opponent comes to his senses, searching for him with a sense of fear. They freeze, suddenly, as Zabuza appears behind them, holding his gigantic sword. When they turn around, he's holding his sword at a different angle. Their body then falls into two pieces along a slanted line reaching from their left shoulder to their right hip.

Prison of Blood: Zabuza makes a few quick handsigns, then two things happen. First, a water clone of himself appears, then he creates an orb of water, imprisoning his opponent inside of it. The clone takes his blade, then slashes at the orb repeatedly, tearing the opponent to pieces. The orb of water slowly turns red as the opponent bleeds and, after the clone is done swinging his sword, the real Zabuza dispels both clone and sphere, blood splashing all over the ground and the opponent left in pieces.

Voice Actor: Steve Blum

Babality: Baby Zabuza makes a few handsigns and performs the Hidden Mist Technique, but quickly loses sight of where he is and begins to cry.

Battle Intro: A mist engulfs the arena and Zabuza emerges from it, his hand reaching to grip the handle of his sword.

Winning Pose: Zabuza looks back at his opponent, then sheathes his sword on his back, forms a handsign, and disappears into the mist.

Stage: Great Naruto Bridge

Ending: The tournament was won and Kahn prepared to take the victory he so desired, but to everyone's utter surprise, Zabuza turned on him. Through sheer willpower alone, he had broken free of Quan Chi's control and was now fighting for the right to return to the afterlife.

After he defeated Shao Kahn, Zabuza turned to Raiden. At first, it seemed like he would cut him down, but he simply requested for Raiden to end his life before Quan Chi could resume control. Raiden complied and electrocuted Zabuza until he was dead once again. Now, Zabuza could reunite with his friend Haku and live in paradise once more.  

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